Buckets of squash and gallons of ice cream
Published 2:00 pm Wednesday, June 26, 2024
- Donna Traywick
Buckets of squash and gallons of ice cream
By Donna Traywick
Mt. Olivet News
This week has been a very busy week on Traywick Hill. Cindy Palmertree, my niece,
sends me cooked squash all the time. They are always so good. I got the bright idea
that I would put some in the freezer. I had put up very few vegetables in the freezer over
the years, and never squash.
Bro. Doug Pepper had squash advertised, so I went over and got a 5 gallon bucket.
After asking several friends how they put them up, I got a different answer from each
one. This is when I miss my dear friends, Veedy Franklin and Elizabeth Browning, the
most. I almost go to my phone to call them, and ask them, because I know they did that
for many, many years.
I was so undecided about how to put them up, that I did a little experimenting. I first put
up several bags of washed, sliced and put in bags. I labeled them carefully. More
people told me that they blanched first. So, I went through all the instructions of
blanching that they gave me. These were also labeled carefully. Lastly, I cooked them
thoroughly, before putting them in the bag. Each friend was very seasoned, and I can’t
wait to try each one of the methods.
I always enjoy visiting with Bro. Doug and wife Laura. He spends a lot of time as an
evangelist to Russia. He has many interesting stories about those times. He told how he
had to preach in a cow pasture and baptize in a cold river at night. When has happened
to America? We are too soft. I thought of the cow pasture Sunday when I looked at the
empty pews.
Mt. Olivet had a Hamburger-Ice cream supper on Saturday night. As always, there was
a huge crowd. The fellowship was as good as the food which was great. Phil Tidwell is
noted for his famous secret recipe. This time it was chocolate. He always uses the Ice
Cream machine he made using a John Deere Tractor motor. I don't know how it works. I
have promised him that I will write about this amazing invention in the next Batesville
and Beyond magazine.
Jane Browning Carr is back from Clarksville, TN for a visit. I always know when she is
back because I get a knock on my door and there she stands with a loaf of her secret
recipe of banana bread. She can’t even remember how many she has made over the
Last week I wrote about the racoon in the parking lot at First Security Bank (HWY 6). I
went back in several days on business, but mostly about curiosity. The teller that I
spoke with said she had been there eight years and so had he. He also comes out to
eat in the daytime, which is rare for a racoon.
Ponder this: The stuff that I have lost and cannot find, is because I have put it in a safe
place, so I won’t lose it.
Contact Donna @ donnatraywickmusic@gmail.com