Make sure your pistol fits your purse

Published 1:52 pm Wednesday, June 21, 2023

By Donna Traywick
Mt. Olivet News

Things at Mt. Olivet have been rather uneventful this week. I went back to church Sunday for the first time in three weeks. How I missed everybody and everything. 

First, I missed Karen Patterson’s lesson. When you think that you know the scripture well she brings in another angle that you have never thought of. She makes you think Sunday school and Bible study are the places that you really get down and study scripture. 

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I missed Bro. Charles sermon, but I also missed my choir! We had a new choir member. Hope Arbuckle who can also sing alto and also soprano. What a blessing to find a young high school student who can sing both parts. She is going to be a blessing to the choir.

While shopping in a local drug store recently, I met the nicest young lady, she was so helpful. She left her station to come and help me. She said “O, I know you, I read you column”. When I asked her, her name she told me, Yvonne. Wow! How interesting. That’s my middle name. Then I proceeded to tell her where the name came from. It’s French. It came from the French name Yves or Yvette.

My aunt Edna Palmertree named me after one of the 5 quintuplets born in Canada May 28, 1934. They were known as the Dionne Quintuplets, and the first documented set of quintuplets to survive birth. Their names were Emilie, Yvonne, Cecile, Marie, and Annette. As of 2023, two surviving sisters, Annette and Cecile are still alive. Yvonne died in 2001.

The Providence of Canada removed the babies from their parents and put them on display as a tourist attraction. The province promised to pay the sisters $4 million. They were returned to their parents when they were nine years old.

While shopping in a department store recently, I overheard a mother and daughter shopping for a purse for their mother. The mother was probably in her mid- seventies. 

Her daughter found one that she thought would be perfect for her mother. “No,” said the mother. “My pistol won’t fit into it.” I thought of the song “Pistol Packin’ Mama, lay that Pistol Down” Written by The Andrews Sisters and sung by them, Bing Crosby, and Willie Nelson. That song more fits Willie than Bing, don’t you think?

The conversation between mother and daughter did get me thinking.  I thought about what older women do for protection without toatin’ a pistol, I have been carrying a can of pepper spray in my car for years. I’ve never used It and don’t even know if it is still good. How do you test it out? I don’t want to spray an innocent animal. What if I turn it the wrong way and spray myself? It is always in my car, so what good is it when I’m out?

Former Sheriff, Dennis Darby gave me these helpful tips when George Thomas died:

1) Never put your name on your mailbox. Only the numbers.

2) Be aware of your surroundings

3) If you can, find a lighted place when you stop for blue lights; not all flashing blue lights are policemen.

4) You do not have to open your door to everyone who knocks; if you’re not sure, don’t open.

5) Travel in groups. Try not to travel alone if possible.

6) If you have to be out at night, have someone escort you to your car.

7) Call family members and tell them where you are going, what time you’ll be back and call them as soon as you get back.

8) Have cell phone charged and with you at all times

9) A loud whistle. It can be as small as your thumb.

Mt. Olivet Methodist Church has wanted to be a blessing to those in our community. Our church has created a ‘Blessing Boy under our walkway on a picnic table. Our church is located at the intersection of Mt. Olivet and Hunt Road just off Hwy 315. The address is 60 Hunt Road.

If anyone has a need, we involve you to take what you need! If you wish to be a blessing to others, we invite you to leave non-perishable items to share! Above all, we want our neighbors to know that Jesus loves you and we do also.

Sunday, June 25, at 9:30 a.m. will be Cold Springs last service. It formally was the largest of the Panola Charge, which consisted of Mt. Olivet, Terza, and Cold Springs. You are invited to attend this moving service. Brother Charles Reed is the pastor.

Thursday night, June 22 at 6 p.m. The Panola County Historical and Genealogical Society (Pan-Gens) will meet at Mt. Olivet. That’s tomorrow night, folks, at which time I have been asked to give the history of the church and the cemetery.

Call or text Donna @ 901-828-8824