Alaskan cruise 20 back in the lower 48
Published 1:57 pm Wednesday, June 21, 2023
By Kay Wolfe
News from the North
Once again there’s plenty going on in the north! A great friend from teaching at SPHS is a star on Tik Tok with over 40,000 followers. Shelly is amazing. An entrepreneur, she is in constant motion with Murphy or without. She’s comfortable either way. She is a mentor to many who are different. She never let her struggles with being an amputee show to her students. She is like “The Little Engine that Could.”
Storms, storms, and more storms. Had a power surge with one storm, burned out a wall socket. It was a little bit scary. I didn’t know what was going on for a bit but figured it out. That’s never happened to me before, and I’ve had a lot of things happen to me.
The good thing about the rain is that my garden and tomatoes are really growing now. I was very late in planting this year but will have goodies to share in late summer.
The Alaskan Cruise 20 are back in the lower 48. From eating to cruising to eating to 4-wheeler rides, glaciers, to eating Denali, to cruising, Skagway, Anchorage. Both of our girls worked there, and Rick worked there 3 or 4 times. My second cousins even live in Anchorage. I’ve visited there many times and, without a doubt, those mountains are the most beautiful in the world. I know that they had a wonderful time. Can’t wait to hear all about it.
My condolences to Ron Rainey and family. Ron’s sister went to be with the Lord on June 16. She was a beautiful woman loved by many.
You know how I feel about litter and trash. Things are better and work is being done to rectify some problem areas. I would like to know how many citations have been written by our Code Enforcement Officer for infractions observed, and I would also like to know how many tickets have been written concerning illegally parked 18 wheelers around town. Mr. Pannell hasn’t been to the last 2 board meetings.
Go to the church of your choice. Please, just pick up your trash, it’s gross!
Live like there’s no tomorrow; Laugh large; Love much!