Panola County property transfers for April 17-21
Published 4:45 pm Thursday, April 27, 2023
Compiled by Davis Coen
Property transfers between April 17 – 21, 2023, as recorded with the Panola County Chancery Clerk:
Second Judicial District
James Robert Downs to Terry E. Smith, A parcel in Section 29, Township 10, Range 5.
Carl A. Sowden to Greg Lakendrick Draper and Tina Lavettie Nelson, Northwest Quarter of Section 35, Township 8 South, Range 6 West, containing 0.23 acres, more or less.
Sandra Hughes Bright to Ethel Franklin Bright, Jr., A part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 4, and a part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 9, Township 10 South, Ranged 8 West, containing 5.60 acres.
Victor Henderson to Amy Melissa Henderson and Arlo Brian Henderson, Sr., A fractional part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 21, Township 10 South, Range 7 West.
William R. Fleming, Jr. to Rising Creek Tree Farm, LLC, A parcel in Section 24, Township 10 South, Range 7 West, containing 116 acres, more or less.
Garry and Nancy Lebo to Corey and Amy Burchfield, Lot 29 and the South 70 feet of Lot 28 of the Chickasaw Hills Subdivision.
The Estate of Merab Elizabeth Reedy to Roger Clyde Reedy, Lot 1, Green Acres Subdivision.
Myra A. Bean, Linda F. Bean, Master R. Bean and Danielle B. Maury to Vanetta Lynette Griffin and Josephine Griffin, A fractional part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 28, Township 9 South, Range 7 West.
John Ervin Ard and Janie Mae Ard to Kristina Ard Livingston and Candice Ard Eubanks, 53.40 acres of land, more or less, lying in Section 4, Township 10 South, Range 8 West and in Section 33, Township 9 South, Range 8 West.
Woodmark Investments, LLC to Courtney Imani Love, 1.0-acre part of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 10, Range 7.
Takeisha Johnson to Jo Ann Laws, Lot 63, Riverdale Acres Subdivision.
Grant McKinney to Michael Corley, A parcel in Section 35, Township 8 South, Range 9 West.
Regina D. Taylor to Brian D. Taylor, Lots 7 and 14, Mossy Oak Cove Subdivision.
Barry Flint to Jonathan Flint, Lot 4 of Block 16 of the City of Batesville.
Ben Flint to Barry Flint, Lot 4 of Block 16 of the City of Batesville.
Linda Mitchell to Robbie Lynn Crutchfield and Deborah Elaine Crutchfield, A fractional part of Section 29, Township 8 South, Range 5.
Zachary Bailey to Trina Bailey, Fractional part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 9, Township 8, Range 5 West.
Phillip Williams to Tamatha Burnett, Fraction of Section 14, Township 8 South, Range 6 West.
Mary Eidson Welch and Edward Eidson to Enid and Joseph Griffin, A part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 23, Township 10 South, Range 7 West.
George Lamar Roebuck to Ricky and Bobby Roebuck, and Victoria Roebuck Eidson, A part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 23, Township 10 South, Range 7 West.
The Estate of David Pearson to Andy and Julie Hudson, A fractional part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 20, Township 8 South, Range 6 West.
Deborah McPhail to Reginald O’Conner, A fractional part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 10 South, Range 6 West.
Richard Cox to Charles Spriggs, Part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 17, Township 10 South, Range 7 West.
First Judicial District
Michael Saripkin to Christopher Crutcher, Two tracts in a fractional part of Block 19, Town of Sardis.
Charles Lark to Karen Holt, A 3.0-acre tract, more or less, situated in Section 29, Township 6 South, Range 7 West.
Delois and Paul Strickland to Charles Dodson, Lot 10, Block K in the Town of Crenshaw.
Brian K. Smith to Larry Goin, A fractional part of Section 32, Township 7 South, Range 6 West, and being Lot 48, Section B, Hide-Away Hills Subdivision.