Troop 478 wins overall Camporee awards
Published 9:22 am Wednesday, April 26, 2023
- Batesville Boy Scout Troop 478 pictured with their winning ribbons and other prizes at the recent Chickasaw Northwest MS District Boy Scout Camporee at Camp Currier in DeSoto County. (Contributed)
Local also recognized for Best Campsite and Spirit
Staff Report
Batesville’s Boy Scout Troop 478 swept the top three ribbons, along with a significant amount of prizes, at the Chickasaw Council Northwest MS District Boy Scout Camporee held April 14-16 at Camp Currier in DeSoto County.
During Camporee all troops in the district bring their patrols (approximately six members each) to compete in skills and knowledge.
First Aid was the overriding theme this year as every event also contained first aid questions. Present and assisting this year were staff and students from the paramedic program at Northwest Community College in Senatobia.
More than 200 Scouts from the district competed in the Patrol competition, including boys ages 10 to 17.
Troop 478 competed with four separate patrols including a 10-year-old Webelos 2 Patrol from Batesville’s Cub Scout Pack 78. At the final campfire awards ceremony, Troop 478 was awarded 1st, 2nd and 3rd place overall, sweeping the competition.
The second place ribbon was won by the Webelos 2 Patrol competing against older Scouts.
Troop 478 was also awarded Best Campsite and Spirit Awards.
For each of the first place wins within each of the categories, the Batesville Scouts won first aid kits, fishing tackle boxes, and other prizes.
The events included orienteering compass course, knot tying, fire building, flag raising with lashing, trauma first aid, and wilderness survival shelter building.
One example of the local Scouts’ camp success was in the fire building competition where the boys won all three ribbons. Fire building event is a timed event using natural products and only a flint and steel where the competitors build a fire to burn a string 18 inches above the fire that stops the clock.
Seven adults and 27 youth scouts attend Camporee with the local Troop and Pack. The giant bamboo used for the campsite was graciously donated by a Panola Countian and helped win the Campsite Award.
A strong storm on Saturday night of the weekend caused some of the tents to fail under the high winds and rain pressure, another Panola Countian has stepped up to purchase replacement tents.
Troop 478 was truly the best of the best at Camporee 2023, a fact that should make all of Batesville proud, local leaders said.