Batesville Fire Dept. Call Log
Published 8:11 am Wednesday, February 1, 2023
Jan. 24
5:48 a.m. – Hwy,. 51, Skyline Motel, 56 year old female says she can’t walk.
5:54 a.m. – Area of Court St. and Pamela St., leaves burning.
12:12 p.m. – Lester St., 66 year old female with severe head pain.
12:38 p.m. – College St., Batesville Elementary School, child had seizure on the playground.
4:13 p.m. – Mt. Olivet Rd., Unclaimed Furniture, 68 year old female vomiting, recently had surgery.
6:18 p.m. – Elm Rd., caller advises he smells something burning in home and needs firefighters to check for fire.
Jan. 25
12:20 p.m. – MLK Dr., ICS Head Start, 37 year old female with severe headache.
12:36 p.m. – I-55 northbound near the Rest Area, vehicle accident, unknown injuries, unknown entrapment.
12:52 p.m. – Noble St., smell of smoke and fire alarm.
2:53 p.m. – Van Voris, subject has pain in his ribs.
8:33 p.m. – Oakley Dr., lift assist for 65 year old male.
10:04 p.m. – Shamrock Dr., male of unknown agent has medical emergency.
Jan. 26
8:45 a.m. – Hwy. 6E, Raceway, smoke coming out of a vent.
12:16 p.m. – Chickasaw Rd., mutual aid requested for a structure fire.
3:57 p.m. – Oakley Dr., 65 year old male has fallen, needs lift assist.
9:55 p.m. – Panola Ave., medical call for 84 year old male with back pain.
Jan. 27
7:14 a.m. – Locker St., three year old having a seizure, Lifeguard is enroute.
12:25 p.m. – Turtle Creek Dr, lift assist needed.
2:50 p.m. – Brewer Rd., brush fire.
2:53 p.m. – Bates St., elderly female needs lift assist.
Jan. 28
7:40 a.m. – Hays St., 30 year old female throwing up.
11:42 a.m – Willa St., assist Lifeguard with female subject.
1:08 p.m. – Pearson St., Batesville Package Store, female having chest pains.
Jan. 29
6:15 p.m. – Oakley Dr., lift assist needed.
8:19 p.m. – MLK Dr., subject having trouble breathing, has history of seizures.
8:34 p.m. – Hemlock Rd., 84 year old female has fallen and is in pain.
Jan. 30
8:05 a.m. – Lester St., Skyview Apartments, female is disoriented, caller reports subject is walking around.
9:10 a.m. – MLK Dr., 57 year old male with medical emergency.
11:23 a.m. – Power Dr., two car accident, no injuries.
1:40 p.m. – WalMart, 41 year old female has fallen, complaining of rib pain.