Sardis chamber has new president, litter out of control

Published 12:22 am Wednesday, October 12, 2022

By Kay Wolfe

News from the North

The litter in Sardis is out of control. It is ridiculous for the town to cut the grass on the entrance and exit ramps on I-55 without picking up the litter first. It is cut into thousands of pieces – everything from McDonald’s bags to plastic bottles, dirty diapers, and any number of things that I won’t mention.

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The city people who are picking up our litter obviously don’t know any better, or just don’t care. People know it is wrong to throw anything out of a vehicle. There’s no excuse, only laziness and a total disregard for God’s beautiful earth that he made for all of us to enjoy.

I consider it a privilege to live on this beautiful planet. Pick up your litter, please. Rant over.

We have a new Chamber of Commerce president – Shari Smith, spouse of Bill Smith. She is the owner of The Venue on Main Street. Logann Boutwell is the executive secretary. Shari owns and operates a daycare out of her house.

As Chamber president, she wants to strengthen businesses, support businesses, and promote growth within Sardis’ businesses.  She wants to grow the chamber by decreasing individual and business dues.

Also, she wants to promote a monthly newsletter, celebrating business anniversaries, other milestones that a business may have, plus many other activities geared to businesses thereby influencing the business climate within our communities.

She can’t do it all by herself. Join and help her out. The chamber is sponsoring a Trick or Trunk on Oct. 29 from 4-7 p.m.  The Baptist Church is also sponsoring one the same weekend. Ask our Mayor. He knows for sure.

William Gant spoke briefly at the City Board meeting about the dog and litter problem particularly on Hightower Street.  It’s awful for several houses.

Another trip to Washington is being made by several of our board members and Joe Azar.  Joe is the Executive Director of the Panola Partnership.  It is, of course, about the Sardis Lake project. To me, it is a waste of money if they can only get a 25 year commitment.

No lending institution will give them a thought.  Come to the next board meeting the first Tuesday in November at 6 p.m. at the City Hall to hear more about city business.


The DAR meeting was quite lively a few weeks ago with the installation of two other new officers.  Jane Harmon is our new Regent and Ruth Harmon Watts is her Vice Regent.  Two birthdays were celebrated with one lady turning 90 years old and the other a mere 70.  Another member played “Happy Birthday” on the piano.  I played some patriotic music and there was also a duet.  Jennifer Gant Pardoe, who is also a national officer, installed the two new officers.  I just love all of the pomp and circumstance and patriotism at these meetings.  They are fabulous.

Please be in prayer for our dear Billie Breedlove who recently had surgery.  She wanted to put it off until after the meeting.  Her doctor told her that she absolutely would have the surgery that day.

So much to tell. Gotta run. Go to the church of your choice Sunday.  Be kind and pick up you litter.  Live Much; Laugh Much; Love Much.