Enid Lake holds ceremony marking Robinson’s retirement

Published 10:27 am Wednesday, March 16, 2022

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Vicksburg District and Enid Lake Field Office said goodbye to retiring lake manager and longtime employee Mike Robinson with a reception at the North Mississippi Fish Hatchery on Feb. 28.  

 At the reception, Robinson was presented with the Meritorious Civilian Service Medal. The medal is awarded to only a few employees within the Corps of Engineers.

Robinson was recognized for his expertise, exceptional competence, dedication, and teamwork in the performance of his duties. 

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 Robinson was credited as a driving force for water safety at Enid Lake. He also played a role in developing many of the modern recreation facilities appreciated by visitors to Enid Lake. He was recognized as a mentor and special influence by many in attendance. 

 His long career spanned nearly 50 years. He began working at Enid Lake as a temporary park ranger in 1972 and served as lake manager since 2016. 

 For more information on Enid Lake, contact the Enid Lake Field Office at 662-563-4571.

Mike Robinson was recently honored with a reception at the Enid Lake North Mississippi Fish Hatchery. He was awarded the Meritorious Civilian Service Medal. His career lasted almost 50 years.