Juneteenth board announced
Published 9:30 am Tuesday, January 9, 2018
- Members of the Panola County Juneteenth Board of Directors include (first row, l. to r.) Lashana Middleton, Jessica Rayford, Melissa Nelson, Lula Palmer, Veltis Walton; (second row) Monika Rudd, April Lantern, Verkedra Price, Linette Malone, Antoinette Malone, Kevin Walton; (third row) Rex Houston, Shana Smith, Erick Spears and Latasha Rice. Not pictured are Michael Price, Tamara Crane and Geriandi Jackson. Photo submitted
Juneteenth board announced

Members of the Panola County Juneteenth Board of Directors include (first row, l. to r.) Lashana Middleton, Jessica Rayford, Melissa Nelson, Lula Palmer, Veltis Walton; (second row) Monika Rudd, April Lantern, Verkedra Price, Linette Malone, Antoinette Malone, Kevin Walton; (third row) Rex Houston, Shana Smith, Erick Spears and Latasha Rice. Not pictured are Michael Price, Tamara Crane and Geriandi Jackson.
Photo submitted
By Myra Bean
Melissa Nelson of Batesville presented and got approved a measure to host Juneteeth for the first time ever in Downtown Sardis, Saturday, June 9, 12 to 4 p.m.
The event has been an Oxford annual event for over 10 years.
Juneteenth is the oldest African American holiday celebrating freedom and culture, according to Nelson. However, all races and cultures are invited to participate.
Juneteenth.com writes, “ Juneteenth is the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States,” marked by the signing of Emancipation Proclamation.
Nelson has and is still rounding up sponsors for donations including St. Judge and her sorority Alpha Kappa Alpha and others.
“I will bring a lot of people in,” Nelson said. “This is family, kid and music friendly. Due to the generosity of sponsors, the event is totally free to the kids.”
The Panola County Juneteenth Festival Committee operates under a 501(C)3 and donations are tax deductible.
“The mission of the Panola County Juneteenth is to celebrate and educate the community about the African American Heritage and promote positive interaction within the community,” Nelson said.
All forms for participation will be available soon on the website or via email. Interested persons are ask that to complete forms and return to Panola County Juneteenth Committee, P.O. Box 235, Sardis, MS 38666 or via email to panolacountyjuneteenth@gmail.com.
See accompanying letter to editor on page A5.