BREAKING NEWS 4-Batesville Police report cellphones left behind are quickly grabbed up by other shoppers

Published 12:00 am Friday, August 19, 2016

Batesville Police report cellphones left behind are quickly grabbed up by other shoppers

By Rupert Howell
Two instances of people leaving their phones behind in store checkouts were recorded in weekend occurrence reports by the Batesville Police Department.
A Dollar General customer on August 12 left his phone near the register while checking out-but when he returned it was missing.
A review of security video revealed a white male wearing a red shirt grabbing the phone and putting it in his shopping bag and walking off.
The victim later went to the AT&T store to turn off his phone when the suspect came in the store with the phone, but left when he saw the victim. The suspect was in a black Honda Accord (ZZP 044) according to BPD Richard Stonestreet’s report.
The Samsung Galaxy phone taken was valued at $150.
A similar incident occurred the following day at Piggly Wiggly according to Officer Jason Irby’s report that stated the victim placed her phone on a counter and noticed it missing when she got to the car.
Camera footage revealed a black female picked up the phone, “… and put it under her strap on her shirt.”
The price of the phone was stated at $569.99 according to the report.

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