Published 12:00 am Monday, March 7, 2016


Students honored at the monthly board meeting of North Panola trustees Monday were: (from left) Dankevion Oliver, Bridgett Bowden and Norcleesia Edwards. Those students were recognized along with D’Maya Williams and Camryn Gaines (not pictured) for the highest PARCC assessment scores in the areas of English Language Arts or math for fiscal year 2015. The Panolian photo by Rupert Howell

Old NP buildings need proactive work

By Rupert Howell
North Panola Schools administrator Michael Britt presented a facility needs plan to the school’s board of trustees seeking  $311,530 to maintain and upgrade facilities, with a large portion of that needed to meet accreditation standards.
Those standards include an estimate of $235,000 to air condition a gym where physical education classes are held.
Britt reminded trustees that Superintendent Cedric Richardson had given him the task of keeping the school compliant with 31 accreditation standards last school year. Not meeting those standards caused a takeover by the Mississippi Department of Education twice in the past when the school was put under conservatorship.
Only minor violations were found during a recent audit (audits occur every three to four years), Britt proudly reported, explaining that the issues found can be easily corrected.
“We were very pleased with results from the audit. We got really positive feedback (from auditors),” Britt said.
While bragging on staff members he stated, “A lot of people are responsible. None of the findings were major. All were minor and can be corrected in a short period of time.”
Britt went on to explain that some of the facilities in the district were 60 years old with no new construction in recent memory. He stated the district’s tax base would not support new construction but said, “We can maintain what we have. Most facilities 60-years-old are in good shape.”
Other facilities’ needs included in the accreditation audit that drew attention along with the gym air conditioning included: electrical upgrades in buildings, $20,000; miscellaneous needs, $5,000; drainage problems affecting band hall, $3,750; and upgrading professional library collections at all schools, $5,000.
Other facility needs included in Britt’s report were renovating and converting maintenance building into athletic field house/weight room and PE facility at junior high school and purchasing weight equipment to furnish it, $20,720; renovation of high school field house, $4,500 and purchase of weight equipment $14,060; purchase of a 20 foot storage unit, $3,500.

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