Published 12:00 am Friday, January 30, 2015

The Daraja Children’s Choir will perform in Batesville January 25 at Batesville First United Methodist Church.

Choir from Uganda will perform at Batesville First Methodist

Cultures will unite when the Daraja Children’s Choir of Africa performs at Batesville First United Methodist Church on January 25 at 6 p.m. to bring a message of joy and hope through African song and dance.

Daraja means “bridge” in Swahili, and the choir, made up of 23 children from Uganda and Kenya, serves as a bridge to connect the people of Africa and America. This is a life-changing opportunity for these children to learn and experience American culture, as many of them have never experienced life outside of their own countries.

 At the same time, Americans have the opportunity to step into the lives of these children by hearing their testimonies and experiencing traditional African song and dance.  

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“We are looking forward to them leading in worship at both services Sunday morning,” said Brooke Wright, music director at the church. “Sunday evening they will have a full concert at 6 p.m.” 

 In spite of dealing with unimaginable hardships, these children are overflowing with joy and love, which they are eager to share, as is evident in their performance.

 The Daraja Children’s Choir of Africa is part of The 410 Bridge, a non-profit community development organization that creates opportunities for people to serve and walk alongside communities in Kenya, Haiti and Uganda while experiencing healthy, sustainable change. 

 For more information, visit or