Replacing land commissioners on minds of some supervisors 10/17/2014

Published 12:00 am Friday, October 17, 2014

Replacing land commissioners on minds of some supervisors

By Ruperty Howell
Panola County Land Commission Chairman Danny Walker quipped that last Monday’s meeting may be the last for some of the current 10-member board.

That commission’s compliance officer, Chad Meek, had just passed out surveys to see who of the membership desired to be reappointed to the commission.

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That action came after Panola County supervisors met earlier in the day and discussed appointments to that board which expire this month. Supervisors set a recess meeting to make those appointments Wednesday, October 29 at the Batesville Courthouse at 9 a.m.

In the beginning of the land commission’s existence in November 1999, each supervisor submitted two names to the board to serve five-year terms from their respective district.
Since that time, district lines being changed due to redistricting and board members being appointed to fill unexpired terms has skewed numbers from each district.

Currently serving on the board other than chairman Walker are: Danny Holland, Danny Jones, Wanda Carmichael, Arlene Wilson, Frank Carter, Sledge Taylor, Tim Holliday, Verna Lasha-Hunter and Bob Haltom.

Supervisors at Monday’s meeting, after a vote to recess but while a quorum was still present, discussed possible replacements for some of existing members. They had previously directed Meek to survey board members to determine who was willing to serve another term.

The group serves as a land-use commission and can grant variances to current zoning and make recommendations to county supervisors requesting zoning changes. Supervisors have the ultimate authority and their decisions can be appealed in Circuit Court.