STOP-John Morris letter

Published 12:00 am Friday, October 26, 2012

Letter to the editor

Halloween desensitizes, plan better alternatives, STOP leader suggests

This Halloween we are appealing  to churches over the entire county to help keep our young people safe and off the streets. We are encouraging the religious community to plan activities, if you have not already, that will steer young minds toward a peaceful type fun and game.

Halloween is desensitizing our children by its glorification of violence, death, mutilation and gore. Whether we like it or not, Halloween comes around every year. Instead of hiding out in your home and wishing it would go away, why not start creating your own fall family traditions, teaching kids to live for God in a way they can enjoy?

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While Halloween celebrates death and demonic spirits, why not throw a party for you kids celebrating life and the King of Kings?

Christian churches often provide local areas with Halloween activities or alternatives, like fall festivals, that offer games and holiday activities for children and grown-ups alike. Instead of focusing on negative aspects, you can turn the holiday into a positive, relationship-building tradition for your family.

These ideas offer alternatives to the customary Halloween activities. They are simple suggestions to start you thinking and planning. Add your own creativity and there’s no limit to the possibilities for family fun.
One thought is, “Do we pray on Halloween for the safety of others?”

Do the same  people that want to worship the devil on that day, worship him every other day, too?

We are not for or against Halloween. We think everything is what you make of it and the heart behind itWe know that the start of Halloween was bad and if you study it you might not like what you find out.

If you are looking for Christian alternatives activities for Halloween that can glorify God, then consider our appeal. Here are five alternative activities for Halloween.

1.) Find out the true meaning of Halloween. We have become accustomed to letting others tell us what to believe rather than finding out for ourselves.

2.)Visit a nursing home. Make cards  and bag candy or make some festive fall place mats to bring to those who have no family or friends to visit and have been forgotten.

3.) Have a praise party. Let it take place on the day of Halloween or the Saturday before. This is where you find all verses of praise throughout the Bible. Then get your group together to praise the Lord by going out and helping others in your church and community who may not be able to do certain chores for themselves.

4.) Collect Food. Collect nonperishable food items  or go Trick-or-Treating for nonperishable food items then take them to the local food bank or your church food bank program.

5.) Host a harvest party. Host one in your church or in your back yard. It’s a great opportunity for adults to learn what’s going on the younger generation’s lives.

May God bless you always,
John C. Morris
“STOP” Chairperson (Stop The Ongoing Problem)