Coming Events 5-29-12
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, May 29, 2012
May 29
Report cards for students at South Panola High School may be picked up at the school.
May 31-June 2
Memphis Film Festival will be held at the Whispering Woods Convention Center in Olive Branch. Dan Turpin of Batesville is helping organize the event. Visit for information.
Friday, June 1
A blood drive will be held at Batesville Presbyterian Church in the fellowship hall from 2-6 p.m. Mississippi Blood Services will conduct the drive.
Puppet and Drama Team of the Calvary Baptist Church will hold a plant sale on Friday, June 1st in front of the First Security Bank main branch from 7:30 a.m. until. The sale will include ferns, hanging foliage baskets and other plants. Proceeds from this sale are from the Green Thumb Nursery and will benefit the team’s ministry.
Saturday, June 2
Sardis Lake Youth Fishing Rodeo will be held at the Cypress Point Recreation Area on the Lower Lake of Sardis. A portion of the Lower Lake at Cypress Point will be netted off and stocked with Catfish.
Registration begins at 7 a.m. with the rodeo starting at 7:30 a.m. Participants must be 1 – 15 years of age and accompanied by an adult. All participants must register and must bring their own fishing equipment. For more information contact: Shea Staten of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Sardis Lake (662) 712-1188.
Flea Market at Cole’s Point Volunteer Fire Dept. will be from 7 a.m. until 2 p.m. Vendors and yard sale items welcome. For space call 934-7460.
Sledge School Reunion at Hollywood Baptist Church, 2020 Wadlington Rd, Sledge, will begin at 10 a.m. All former classmates are invited to come and bring a dish for a pot luck lunch. For information call Joyce Berry, 382-8988.
Wednesday, June 6
Batesville’s Square Market will be open every Wednesday from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. on the Downtown Square. The farmers market offers fresh fruits, vegetables and baked goods from area vendors.
Thursday, June 7
VFW Post 4968 and Ladies Auxiliary will meet for a pot luck supper at 6 p.m. at the VFW Building in Batesville.
June 23-24
North Panola High School Class of 2002 will have a reunion at at the Fox and Hound in Southaven on Saturday and at Hernando Park on Sunday. The cost is $40. Call 487-7395 for information.
Saturday, June 30
Old Pope High School will have a reunion at 10 a.m. at Western Sizzlin. For more information call Conner Vick at 563-3470.
4th Annual JA Charity Golf Scramble will be held at the Panola Country Club. For registration or sponsorship information, call 934-7675 or by email
Saturday, July 21
The South Panola High School Class of 1965 will have a luncheon reunion at 11 a.m. in the Family Life Center of First Baptist Church. The cost is $10 per person. For details and to RSVP call Pat McMinn Hardy at 563-8427.
Saturday, October 13
Classes of 1975-1977 from West Panola and South Panola High School are planning another combined class reunion. Contact Rose Harmon Regis at 662-983-0968 or email for information. No deadline date. $25 per person in advance.
Ongoing meetings
Monday – Friday
Panola County Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are held at Batesville First United Methodist Church at noon daily. For more information call North Central AA Hotline at 662-234-8585.
Panola County Alcoholics Anonymous “Saturday Night Live” meetings will be held every Saturday at 6 p.m. at Sardis First United Methodist Church. For more information call North Central AA Hotline at 662-234-8585.
Al-Anon, a support group for the family and friends of alcoholics, meets every Monday at 8 p.m. at First United Methodist Church in Batesville. The meeting room is located at the back of the building.