Pat Mills letter

Published 12:00 am Friday, March 16, 2012

Letter to the editor

Would-be pollworker disgruntled over voter i.d. issue

My name is Pat Mills. I have lived in the great state of Mississippi for most of my 68 years.

I am a volunteer poll worker. I was asked to work at the Cold Springs voting precinct this past Tuesday, March 13. When I showed up to work, I asked this question: ”when a voter shows up to vote, if he or she doesn’t have proper ID, what steps do we take?”

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I was told that I was not allowed to ask if they had ID.

Now, I know that in the last election, the issue of voter ID was voted “yes” by the majority of the people.

I was told that I could not even ask for ID, because the legislature had not voted to make it a law. Whatever happened to “We the people?”

Well, I, as a citizen, used my right to not work in the voting process..I waited til 7 o’clock and cast my vote, and left.

I agree with the majority voters..if our vote means nothing about certain issues, then why even vote? I guess we were supposed to vote like the ones who voted “no” but because we went against the left, then the vote doesn’t even count. How crooked is that?

Well, I, for one, will take a stand. I don’t need the government’s money to work in a fixed election.

I do not trust the government to do the right thing, and I refuse to compromise my conviction to do what is right.

I will put my trust in my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He has never let me down.

Mrs. Pat Mills
P.S. I’m just letting you know about a certain issue. I hope all of you will vote. Maybe we will be able to make a difference.

Editor’s Note: The Mississippi Voter Identification Amendment, approved by voters in the 2011 general election, must be approved by the United State Justice Department before it becomes law.