Sardis city board

Published 12:00 am Friday, February 10, 2012

Sardis fires City Hall employee

By Rupert Howell

The Sardis board of mayor and aldermen met for approximately two hours before going into executive session where they terminated a clerical administration employee during their regular monthly meeting Tuesday night at City hall.

The board also discussed police department personnel matters and possible litigation concerning First Security Bank as it is the city’s depository.

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The board briefly discussed weight limits for 18-wheelers on city streets at the request of City Attorney Tommy Shuler who said Tuesday night that he added the item to the agenda and recommended a public hearing be held before any changes are made.

No action was taken on the agenda item although Martin Bros. representatives were in attendance with a lawyer, engineer and court reporter.

That group left after learning that the issue of weight limits would not be further discussed during the meeting.

That metal recycling business is located on the the south end of Pocahontas Street just outside Sardis city limits and would be adversely affected with an 18-wheeler ban  according to co-owner Henry Martin who said later that using Mill Road would not help unless it was made three lanes wide.

Board members discussed a proposed county solution of upgrading Mill Road which is a residential road that approaches the recycling business from the west from Highway 51 south of Sardis.

North Delta Development and Planning District representative Jeff Walters gave an update on ongoing projects and received approval for his agency to administer the upcoming round of Community Development Block Grants.

Walters told the board that the city could apply for up to $450,000 without having to apply matching funds.

Mayor Rusty Dye said that much would go a long way toward an estimated $700,000 in sewer repairs needed.

Walters also said that the grant that would upgrade or repair 22 fire hydrants as well as close an existing city well was not approved.

Letha Wiley had questions about charges on a water bill from the former Crash Landing building that she said is turned off after limited use. City Clerk Mary McDowell explained that the meter is read and charges billed on an infrequent basis due to the limited use and that the bill actually reflected water used over a period of time rather than one month.

A dilapidated house and messy yard on South Pocahantas may soon get some attention as affidavits will be  issued in city court to clean up the yard and the city will ask the county to demolish the house so that the fire department can burn the rubble. Panola County will be asked to move the bricks and rubble.

Fire Chief Chuck Moore was asked if his department would burn the structure with the chief responding, “Not interested.”

Mayor Dye spoke up and said the Chief probably doesn’t have enough water pressure to reach the top of the house.

“I don’t want to have to find out,” Moore responded.

The next alternative was to get the county to knock the house down.

Chief Moore then spoke up and said, “If you get it down in a pile, we can probably handle it.”