City Court 1-27-12
Published 12:00 am Friday, January 27, 2012
By Emily Williams
Two defendants had felony cases continued by Judge Bill McKenzie during Batesville Municipal Court Wednesday.
Kimberly Hill, 2864 Manndale, Memphis, had an aggravated assault case continued one week. Hill told the judge the arresting officer said he may drop the charges to a misdemeanor.
Without the officer in court, McKenzie had to continue the case.
According to the affidavit read in court, Hill, a student at Batesville Job Corps stabbed another student in the head with a fork.
Her bond was $1,500.
A Job Corps representative told the judge with a felony charge, Hill would not be able to return to the program.
Melvin Webb, 104 Humphreys, Marks, had a felony fleeing case continued for a week. He asked the judge for time to get a lawyer.
Both defendants were transported back to the jail.
George Mister Jr., 101 Flowers, Pope, was fined $645 for no driver’s license, expired tag and improper equipment. A trial was set for January 22 for possession of marijuana in a vehicle after Mister entered a not guilty plea.
Fardous Said and Muhfodah A. Jafar, both of 107 Vance St., Batesville, were both found guilty of shoplifting $417 worth of merchandise from Burke’s and fined $1,124.
Neither Said or Jafar could speak English, so Abdul Said (no relation to defendant), came to court to interpret for the judge.
Fardous told the interpreter that she was leaving the store to check on her baby and in her country it was different.
Fardous also had disorderly conduct-failure to comply and resisting arrest charges.
She explained she did not understand the police officer.
Jafar had no explanation after Officer Ruby Myers explained to the judge that Jafar had several skirts hidden under her skirt.
Jafar also had a resisting arrest charge.
The judge told the interpreter to tell the defendants, “I don’t believe in anyone’s culture that it’s okay to steal.”
He dismissed the resisting arrest charges against both defendants and Said’s disorderly conduct-failure to comply charge, giving them the benefit of the doubt that they could not understand the police officers.
Bondez Bradford, 108 Vance St., Batesville, entered a not guilty plea to domestic violence-simple assault. A trial was set for February 28.
Stephanie Tribble, 808 Rockhill Rd., Sardis, was fined $395 for domestic violence-simple assault against her daughter, Jessica Tribble.
Taneille Burgess, 94-A Shiloh, Courtland, had a simple assault case dismissed after the affiant, Latonya Cole failed to appear to prosecute.
Jamiya Burgess, 94-A Shiloh, Courtland, had a simple assault case dismissed after the affiant, Latonya Cole failed to appear to prosecute.
Zachery Pitcock, 1271 JQ West, Sardis, had a trial set for April 18 for simple assault and telephone profanity against affiant Mallory Mixon.
Mixon is in boot camp for the Air Force and was not able to be in court.
Tiffany M. Cox, 106 Booker T. St., Batesville, had a false information case remanded to the files at the request of Officer Maples.
Cox also had old fines of $1,294 that have been due since November 2010.
“I can pay it Friday. I get my taxes then,” said Cox.
McKenzie gave Cox the benefit of the doubt and told her to have the fines paid in full by February 10 or serve six months in jail.
Rachel N. Gordon, 206 Pearson St., Batesville, had a false pretenses case dismissed after the affiant, Mary Sue Davis told the judge she got her money back from the transaction made to pay a bill that had both of their names on it.
The judge told them it was a civil case and they were in a criminal court.
Gordon also had old fines of $196 that have been due since May 2010.
Rachel N. Gordon, 206 Pearson St., Batesville, had disorderly conduct-failure to comply charges remanded to the files at the officer’s request.
Robert Barksdale Jr., 1732 Terza, Batesville, was sentenced to 15 days in jail for contempt of court-old fines of $1,092 that have been due since October 2010.
Mondarious Armstead, 4238 Curtis Rd., Batesville, entered the city’s work program for 47 in lieu of paying fines of $1,209 that have been due since May 2011 and $1,513 for false information, no proof of insurance and no driver’s license.
Michael Milton, 222 Noble St., Batesville, had old fines of $2,283 that have been due since July 2007. He told the judge he had $2,000 of it and was ready to take care of it.
His old fines stemmed from charges for possession of marijuana, discharging a firearm in city limits, possession of controlled substance and another possession of marijuana charge.
“Sounds like marijuana is your problem,” the judge said.
Barry Pitcock, 1264 Whitten Rd., Courtland, paid his old fines of $934 in full that have been due since April 2009.
Cases dismissed
Bridget Deloach, 4552 Pope Crowder, Batesville, had a shoplifting case dismissed due to the lack of probable cause.
Kendrick Barr, 101 Martinez, Batesville, had a domestic violence-simple assault case dismissed due to lack of evidence.