Emily Grace letter
Published 12:00 am Friday, June 4, 2010
Letter to the editor
I was appalled when I read your editorial with the “death wish” for Sara Palin. (Publisher offers ideas for oil spill plaguing Coast, May 18). I put that section of your paper on the bottom of my bottom of my bird cage. The editorial was very rude, crude, offensive, and ill-spoken.
Almost everyone in the area is well aware that you are a Liberal Democrat; however, you could be a little more discreet and respectful of your readers.
The statement about Sara Palin was highly inappropriate and never should have appeared in a publication. Your father was a fine journalist, just as you are, but he was also a gentleman. I do not think he ever would have allowed such a crass political statement to have been published in an editorial of his!
I was outraged with your editorial and I have spoken with many local people who also thought it was irresponsible and totally out of line.
If being Editor of The Panolian happened to be an elective office, I’m not sure you would be re-elected as there are many, many citizens in the county who are adamant Conservative Republicans! They are subscribers and also advertisers. These two factors mean income for your establishment. Do be careful of the words that you choose to print!
And speaking of running for office in Panola County. Is the present Editor even eligible to run for office here? Or is your legal residence in Louisiana?
Along with many others with whom I have spoken, we are tired of reading (or scanning and turning the page) about New Orleans or Jefferson Parish or Orleans Parish! We don’t care about the parades you have seen nor the floats you have witnessed being built around the corner from your home, your neighbors, the cats in your back yard, the leak in your roof, nor the present situation in the dining car of the City of New Orleans! Please spare us!
The Panolian is a local county newspaper–we want the local news from our own county! If Panola makes the news in the Memphis Commercial Appeal or the Jackson Press Scimitar, it generally is in an adverse manner.
Please just continue to give us the local news about county politics, business events, achievements, deaths, school reports, and other happenings in Panola County–Some even exciting!
Don’t waste the space in The Panolian with an account of your experiences in the “Big Easy”! There are still interesting and challenging things going on in Panola County! We don’t want to “scan and turn the page” when we see another week-end diary.
Now I would like to see some good news about Plaquemines Parish. Our present Liberal Democrat administration, after a number of weeks, has been exasperatingly slow in even publicly recognizing that we have a horrendous ecological problem with the BP oil spill.
These weeks are becoming months and then perhaps even years! (Heaven forbid!) Our lovely Gulf Coast is being destroyed–Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida will eventually all be affected to some degree.
And depending on the paths of hurricanes in this 2010 season, perhaps even Texas will feel the effects of this catastrophic oil spill. The Obama Regime needs to get their hip boots on and ACT NOW!!
Emily R. Grace
(Note: The column to which the writer refers may be viewed at www.panolian.com.
Click on the archives link at the left on the home page, then scroll to the bottom of the listings to “May, 2010 editions.”)