Reed letter

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, April 27, 2010

School’s concession stand offers poor nutrition choices to kids

I have a daughter who goes to school at SPHS. I, along with several other parents, have a huge problem we need your help with. We read John Howell’s column (“Poor lifestyle choices add tremendous cost to U.S. healthcare,” March 26)

Our schools, primarily the high school and the junior high school, operate a concession stand in the mornings and afternoons. These are there for the strict reason of raising money for certain groups. Regardless of who reaps the benefits, it’s our kids who get the bad end of the deal.

They sell potato chips, sugary drinks, candy bars and cookies to these kids every day. Our kids take money to school, sometimes money of their own and sometimes money they take from their parents, to buy this candy. They serve breakfast and lunch at these schools. I know the kids make their own choices, but what kid wouldn’t choose hot fries over an apple?

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 They see other kids eating chips and they want some, too. If their best friend buys a Snicker bar for breakfast then they want one too.

This is not fair for the students and really not fair for the parents. We are constantly being told how overweight our kids are, how unhealthy our state is, and how we need to make better choices. I find the concession mess a huge  double standard.

I know for a fact that Dixie Pogue, health coordinator for South Panola Schools, does her job teaching fitness and making these kids understand. But how can these kids learn right from wrong when we are teaching right and wrong? In the classroom they learn about fat content, then pick up a few bags of hot chips for the bus ride home!

We read articles like yours, see the First Lady talking about good food choices, hear the governor talking about walking, hear how fat we are, and yet our schools continue to sell all for the sake of money.


Sandra Reed