Panola County Community Foundation

Published 12:00 am Friday, September 26, 2008

Those serving on the board of directors include: (from left) Pride, Dr. Katie Bearden, Karen Ott Mayer, Michael Dunlap, Jimmy McClure, Flip Phillips, Sonny Simmons, Sledge Taylor, Meg Bartlett and John Rigdon. Those not pictured include: Don Brummett, Mona Pittman and Rupert Howell.

Goal is connecting people with worthy local causes

By Rupert Howell

It’s been a while in the making, but earlier this month a group of 13 individual Panola citizens from different corners of the county came together to form the first board of directors of the Panola County Community Foundation.

No one has worked more diligently on the newfound organization than local businessman William Pride.  The local car dealer used his sales skills to entice other community leaders, professionals and lay persons from across the county to come together to birth the organization that he hopes will mimic in Panola County what  The Community Foundation of Northwest Mississippi has done for the area.

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That regional organization has put thousands of dollars into the eight counties it serves, including: Panola, Coahoma, DeSoto, Marshall, Quitman, Tallahatchie, Tunica and Tate.

As a partner to that organization, $5,000 has been given as seed money to get the local group on their feet. The regional partner also offers to assist with many of the tasks that take time and money away from the actual purpose of the organization. The Panola group will have access to software and other assets that will prevent duplication of costs.

Pride has been busy securing donations and commitments and the board is fine-tuning a mission statement with stated purpose in hopes of attracting others interested and donors alike.

Current plans for a get-acquainted social are under way and members will soon discuss the possibility of administering a tax-exempt community chest fund that was established several years ago for the Panola County area.

Pride would like to see the local organization establish a permanent endowment as well as current giving funds to help local causes that will soon to be adopted by the organization.

Endowed funds held by the regional foundation will be matched by 25 percent once the endowment reaches $100,000. That match percentage increases when annual funds reach higher levels.

The regional organization has also granted more that $2 million over the last four years to causes in the eight-county area. The local group is now in place to help distribute funds to qualifying causes.

While the regional organization’s motto is “Connecting people who care with causes that matter,” the local group plans to find those people and causes on a county level.

Those serving on the board of directors include:  Pride, Dr. Katie Bearden, Karen Ott Mayer, Michael Dunlap, Jimmy McClure, Flip Phillips, Sonny Simmons, Sledge Taylor, Meg Bartlett,  John Rigdon, Don Brummett, Mona Pittman and Rupert Howell.

The group currently meets on the second Tuesday of each month at the Panola Partnership office on the Batesville Square.

Interested persons should contact Pride at 563-5434.