Next Conservator Meeting

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, July 15, 2008

NP Junior High will host next meeting with conservator

By Rita Howell

Informational community meetings are being held this week to update parents, students and members of the community served by North Panola Schools.

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Crenshaw Elementary hosted the first meeting last night. Tonight a meeting is set for 6:30 in the cafeteria at Como Elementary/North Panola Junior High.

Wednesday night at 6:30 a meeting will be held in the auditorium at North Panola High School.

Discussion at the meetings will cover the North Panola 2008-09 calendar, school policy, dress code and security at schools, according to Mack Dandridge, spokesman for the school district.

Bob Strebeck was brought in by the State Department of Education in May to serve as conservator of the academically struggling school district. Among his first directives was establishment of North Panola Junior High at Como, pulling seventh and eighth graders from Green Hill, Crenshaw and Como Elementary schools.

In addition, Strebeck has requested school resource officers from the Panola County Sheriff’s Department to be on the campuses at North Panola Junior High and North Panola High School.

The first day for teachers at North Panola is July 30.

The first day for students is August 7.