Get the picture? by Sherry Hopkins
Published 12:00 am Friday, May 4, 2007

Ringing cell phines, chatter at worship, funerals or in bathrooms not pretty picture
Cell phones are driving me crazy. How ‘bout you? No matter where I am I am caught off guard by the unexpected “melody” that now calls one’s attention to a ringing phone.
The telephone, like the library and postal mail, is one thing that I want to relish in its old form. I feel as though at times I’m in the twilight zone when a phone starts blasting some obscure or obscene lyrical content to alert its owner to answer.
Even terms that I’ve used for nearly a half century are now dated. You don’t pickup, dial or put a cumbersome receiver to your ear anymore. In fact I see people in cars and stores that are free handed and apparently chatting to themselves. But then as you look closer you will see that telltale wire attached to mouth, ear and down to a beltloop.
Now don’t get me wrong, I have a cell phone. I bought it for emergencies only, following the 9/11 terrorist attack. Dear Don and I have a protocol for using it should another attack happen and for some reason we become separated or cannot contact one another the conventional way. Thankfully we have not had to use it for that reason. In fact we rarely use either phone. Don calls me when he’s on his way home from work to let me know “he’s tired and hungry.” And I just never bother to turn mine on but I have occasionally been forced to use it when out and have always felt embarrassed and guilty.
I know all the “it saved my life stories” that people tell about their phones. Mine may do the same some day. If so I will gladly give it its due.
However, I am still annoyed by folks whose phones chatter away during worship service, funerals or in public bathrooms. And even if you’ve silenced yours to just shake, rattle and roll instead of tone, your bright screens in the movie theater still blind me.
A few months ago Don and I were out for a Sunday drive and we saw a man riding his horse. We did a doubletake as we realized he was talking away on his cellphone. What a funny sight it was and only available in the Deep South. So if you see me on the phone when in public, shake your finger at me and I will promptly put it away.
You get the picture?
(Contact Sherry at