Sports / Outdoors – 2/6/2007

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, February 6, 2007

The Panolian: SPORTS – February 6, 2007

  From the 02/06/07 issue of The Panolian   

No. 2 seed Marvell downs No. 1 Lady Waves
     North Delta’s Lauren Kimsey (far right) prepares to throw the ball Saturday afternoon to keep it away from the Marvell defender. In the back Sara Waldrip, No. 23, tries to establish herself in the low post area to take a shot. The Lady Green Waves lost to Marvell 26-24 in overtime.
By Myra Bean

The North Delta Jr. High girls were just three-points away from the district champion title Saturday afternoon.

The Lady Green Waves lost in overtime to Marvell 26-24.

North Delta was down by eight points, 11-3, with 3:46 left in the first half. They battled their way back to tie the game at 13 with 21.5 seconds left in the game on a Lauren Kimsey field goal.

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Linsey Hebert’s half court attempt for North Delta rimmed the goal at the buzzer and bounced out to end the first half tied at 13.

The third quarter was back and forth between the two teams. Madison Greenlee scored for the Lady Green Waves to give them a slight lead, 15-13 with 6:23 left in the quarter. Then Marvell tied it up at 15 with 5:36 left.

There was no scoring for four minutes and Marvell was able to sink a basket for the 17-15 lead with 1:38 left in the quarter. A free throw by Kimsey was the final score of the quarter with 34.3 seconds left. Marvell led 17-16 going into the fourth quarter.

The game was again tied at 18 and 22. On an assist from Bradi Beard, Madison Greenlee scored with 5:21 left in regulation. The Lady Green Waves stole a ball and Kimsey gave them the 20-18 lead with 4:55 left. Then on a quick steal of the inbound ball, the Lady Waves scored again for the 22-18 lead with 4:45 left.

Marvell went on a quick scoring run using its pressure defense to tie the game at 22 with 43.1 seconds left. North Delta missed a basket at the buzzer which would have given them the win and the game went into overtime.

Sara Waldrip scored first for the Lady Waves with 2:26 on the overtime clock for the 24-22 lead. Marvell tied it up with 2:01 left then went ahead hitting two free throws with 28.9 seconds left.

North Delta had two attempts to score in the final seconds but the balls would not fall.

Scoring for the Lady Waves were Kimsey, 12 points; Greenlee, 8 points; Beard and Waldrip, 2 points each.

Beard and Greenlee also had five steals each. Hebert and Kimsey had five rebounds each. Waldrip and Greenlee had four rebounds each.

These teams had met twice in the regular season and split the wins.

Head coach Phil Douglas said he is proud of the girls and what they accomplished this season.

"We fell short in overtime," he said. "Now we will start working for next year."

Thursday night, North Delta had little trouble with West Memphis and won 42-20.

North Delta led 15-1 at the end of the first quarter and had a 25-6 halftime lead. Douglas was able to use all the players in that game.

Scoring for North Delta were Waldrip, 12 points, 5 rebounds; Kimsey, 8 points, 5 rebounds, 3 assists; Greenlee, 8 points; 5 rebounds, 5 steals, 5 assists; Hebert, 6 points; 4 rebounds; Beard, Elizabeth Burkhalter, Laci DuBravec and Samantha Massoth, all 2 points each.

Massoth also had seven rebounds.

In playoff system, Boise State could have won it all?

By William Correro

So that’s it for this season. The Pro Bowl is left but it’s like any other all-star game – not much. There’ll be some interesting individual efforts for great plays but not much else. Now, you watch, they’ll have some great last-minute drive put together to win the game.

I’ve got to go back to the colleges and the National Championship and the BCS. I didn’t have the space a few weeks ago to get into some comments I heard regarding how we need a real playoff system for college football.

I agree completely but I have a real problem with the statement about how Boise State going undefeated could have won it all? Yeah, right. Any team can win on a given day in any game and that’s why we play them instead of letting writers decide everything themselves.

But Boise State winning it all? LSU would have killed them. Period. If they had played Florida they wouldn’t have known what hit them. You have to look at the level of the competition.

That’s what then Commissioner Kramer of the SEC had in mind when he was instrumental in developing the Bowl Championship Series. It’s not perfect but it is better than just writers alone determining the rankings.

And again speaking of the SEC, I have to brag on my immediate boss there. Dr. Rogers Redding, our new Supervisor of Football Officials has been named as the new Editor of the NCAA Rulebook. John Adams has been doing that for as long as most of us know and will step down in September of 2008.

Rogers is a well-respected Referee who came to us from the old Southwest Conference back in 1996. He was the Referee in my first-ever SEC assignment that was down at LSU and I remember sitting next to him in that police van on the wild ride to the stadium.

His knuckles were white as he had a good hold on the cage in the van that separates the drivers from the passengers. I was sort of wide-eyed, too. He had been a professor of physics and I’ve told him on several occasions that hearing him talk about rule applications caused some not-so-pleasant flash backs from my college days.

There are many rules now in the book that need some clearing up and better wording, if you will, and he has made many comments on how some changes were really needed.

He writes a study guide for NCAA rules that I always spent more time in than the actual rulebook. It is written in more of a hands-on language with examples and explanations. The SEC has scored another National Championship with this too.

Well, we’ll do one more next week. And that will really wind it up. Pitchers and catchers report in thirteen days for Heaven’s sake and Northwest’s first game is just a few weeks off. The Rangers are loaded this time so you better get out and see for yourself.

Cougars, Tigers, Waves basketball teams play final home games tonight
The North Delta varsity teams will close out regular season play tonight as they host Carroll Academy beginning at 4 p.m. with the seventh grade teams.

Thursday, the varsity teams will travel to Bayou Academy in Cleveland for the beginning of district tournament.

North Delta ladies will face West Memphis at 4 p.m. The North Delta boys will face Tunica Institute of Learning at 5:30 p.m.

The winners will play again Friday and Saturday to determine the top four teams who will go on to North State competition which will be held at Strider Academy February 13-17.

South Panola
South Panola will play its final home game tonight hosting Independence beginning at 6 p.m.

Friday, the Tigers will travel to Clarksdale for non-conference action at 6 p.m.

The district tournament will be held at Horn Lake starting next Tuesday, February 13.

Times and schedules to be announced later.

North Panola
North Panola will play the final game of its regular season tonight at home against Water Valley. This is a district game which begins at 6 p.m.

The district tournament will be held in Water Valley this year. The schedule has not been released yet, according to head boys Cougar coach Eric Rice. They will meet Wednesday and get the schedules.

Nature has unusual winged animals

By Robert Neill

A young friend sent me a couple of pictures recently.

She had taken them during a little warm spell when she had wandered around outside – she’s a country girl – and happened upon a rare sight: a winged bullfrog! In Biblical enunciations that would be pronounced: "wing-ed bullfrog."

She even sent me pictures (camera pictures, I’d better say, since Amber Carraway of Utica is a very talented artist and could have easily painted the scene). The frog had obviously caught a bird – can’t tell what kind, but it’s bigger than a sparrow yet smaller than a sparrowhawk.

Maybe a starling, or cowbird? The wings stick out on either side of the frog’s mouth, making it look from the rear like the bullfrog is fixing to fly away.

Perhaps the first sport I was actively introduced to was frog hunting, and I did the same with my kids.
Perched on the fender of a pickup truck with a .22 rifle, Big Robert would drive me around the sloughs and ponds of the plantation, and I’d collect enough big bullfrogs for supper at least once a week. Sometimes we’d make an afternoon of it, visiting Frank’s Pond and the Mammy Grudge banks, shooting enough frogs for a Frogleg Supper for the Dead Duck Club that got together seems like weekly.

Oftimes Little Dave or Sammy Shaifer or Little John or Jimmy Moore – other progeny of the DDC – would stand in the back of the truck, taking turns shooting with me.

Dressing out those frogs was always an adventure, just by checking to see what their last meal had been: crawdads, small snakes (once the little moccasin was still alive!), small fish, once even a small turtle. Never found a bird, though.

Sammy and I would wade Frank’s Pond with fly rods, fishing for bream, and often would see a bullfrog at the edge of the water. We’d cast close to him, and many times the frog would jump at the popping bug, and we’d reel him in when he hooked himself.

No, I’ve never seen a winged bullfrog – except in Amber’s picture – but I have twice seen winged bass, and once a winged grinnel. Beau and I were fishing up the camp lake once, and as we neared a log that stuck out into the lake ten feet or so, a blackbird lit on the end of the log that was almost submerged.

Seconds later a huge bass we knew as "Ole Bucketmouth" erupted from one side of the log, chomped down on the grackle as it tried to fly, and splashed back into the water on the other side of the log, black wings sticking out of his mouth.

For years, I’d tie on a black Shannon Spinner when we’d scull into that area, to try my Little-Black-Bird-Falling-Off-The-Tree trick. Never worked for me, but it wasn’t too far from where Jody Stovall lured an eight-pound bass to hit his Christmas Tree Dive Bomber that had flipped once over a green sycamore limb and was twitching about ten inches above the lake’s surface. The limb was stout enough to suspend that big bass completely out of the water, when Jody put the McElwee Hoist on it!

Jim Brown and I portaged our boat over a beaver dam on Lake Whittington once and flushed out a water moccasin that defied identifying for a moment. The snake swam away holding its head nearly a foot out of the water, with I bet a two pound bream sticking out several inches on either side of its jaws.

We had a successful fly-fishing trip ourownselves, but when we approached that dam at almost dark on the way out, I made a lot of noise banging the paddle against the boat to warn the snake that we were coming through!

I’ve watched a highland moccasin "charm" a dove in the dirt road before, and have no doubt that if I had not chunked a stick at them, that snake would have crawled away looking winged. The dove sat completely still in the road, seemingly focused on the snake, which held its head at the dove’s eye level as it slowly approached.

I swear I could not see the snake wiggle, but it got two feet closer to the hypnotized bird without ever seeming to move atall.

Wing-ed creatures that can’t fly: get outside and see what nature has for you to see this spring!


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