Reports – 10/10/2006

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The Panolian: COUNTY REPORTS – October 6, 2006

 From the 10/10/06 issue of The Panolian       

Restaurant Inspections
The following restaurant inspections are for the month of September. Results are taken from the Mississippi Department of Health web site.
September 5
  Sama Inc.
210 Highway 51 South, Sardis
September 12
  Harry B’s
1188 Highway 6 East, Batesville
September 13
  McDonald’s #6558
320 Highway 6 East, Batesville.
Results not available.
  K-May Donuts and Bakery
146 Highway 6 West, Batesville
  Lizzy’s Country Store
1700 Terza Rd., Batesville
  Tater Bugs
28675 Highway 35 North, Batesville.
Results not available.
September 14
  Pizza Hut #2101
306 Highway 6 East, Batesville
  Quiznos Sub #6558
440 Highway 6 East, Batesville
  Capers Restaurant
129 Public Square, Batesville
  C & J Hot Wings
86 Highway 35 North, Batesville
September 16
  Como Elementary School
200 Lewers St., Como
September 18
  First United Methodist Church Children’s Center
119 Panola Ave, Batesville
September 19
  Tri-Lakes Medical Center
303 Medical Center Dr., Batesville
  Tri-Lakes Medical Center Catering
303 Medical Center Dr., Batesville
September 21
  Greenhill Elementary School
599 West Pearl St., Sardis.
Failed initial inspection,
but passed a follow-up on September 25.
  North Panola High School
405 Highway 51 North, Sardis
September 25
  Greenhill Elementary Extended
119 McLaurin St., Sardis
September 27
693 Highway 6 East, Batesville
  Batesville Middle School
509 Tiger Dr., Batesville
September 29
  South Panola High School
601 Tiger Dr., Batesville
  Waffle House #1517
699 Highway 6 East, Batesville
Court Report
No report this issue 
Divorces Granted
No report this issue 
Marriage Licenses
No report this issue 
Sheriff’s Report
Editor’s note: The following is a list of arrests logged at the David M. Bryan Justice Complex over the past week. Appearance on the jail log is not indicative of guilt, merely a record that an arrest has been made.
October 2
Leon Mitchell, 216 1/2 West St., Batesville, was arrested and charged with domestic violence. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

October 3
Ronald T. Hoskins, 335 Shamrock Dr. #110, Batesville, was arrested and charged with possession of cocaine. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Crystal Carol Roebuck, 299 Brown Rd., Pope, was arrested and charged with possession of cocaine. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

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Noletha Sharmta Jackson, 124 Martinez St., Batesville, was arrested and charged with possession of cocaine. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

James Edward Weaver, 580-C Shady Grove Rd., Sardis, was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct- failure to comply. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Rico J. Taylor, 44 Warren St., Como, was arrested and charged with violation of house arrest. The case will be heard in Circuit Court.

Angela H. Draper, 221 Noble St., Batesville, was arrested and charged with aggravated assault on a police officer. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Michael R. Johnson, 201 Claud St., Batesville, was arrested and charged with contempt of court- failure to pay. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Jerry Lee Cook, 204 West Lee St., Sardis, was arrested and charged with domestic violence/simple assault. The case will be heard in Sardis Municipal Court.

October 4
Lawrence Taylor, 210-B King St., Batesville, was arrested and is being held for Wisconsin. The case will be heard in Ciruit Court.

Mae Lee Bell, 1146 Hammond Hill Rd., Como, was arrested and charged with malicious mischief, vandalism of a motor vehicle and simple assault. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Ronregis M. Lewis, 312 Hernando St., Sardis, is being held for investigation.

Dantonio Q. Lee, 312 Lincoln St., Sardis, is being held for investigation.

William B. Holland IV, 218-A Pollard, St., Batesville, was arrested and charged with public drunk. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Alma M. Reeves, 208-B West Lee St., Sardis, was arrested and charged with contempt. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Larry S. Moore, 215 McGhee Rd., Como, was arrested and charged with aggravated assault. The case will be heard in Circuit Court.

Tanzania Bobo, 105 Clinton St., Batesville, was arrested and charged with simple assault causing bodily injury. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Corey B. Mayo, 13517 Browns Ferry Rd., Sarah, is being held for an appearance in Circuit court on an indictment for forgery.

Joe Jeffire, 105 North Ave., Crenshaw, was arrested and charged with domestic violence. The case will be heard in Crenshaw Municipal Court.

Michael Sykes, 201-A Patton Lane, Batesville, was arrested and charged with possession of marijuana in a motor vehicle and running a stop light. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

October 5
Mario Key, 712 Bethlehem Rd., Batesville, was arrested and charged with malicious mischief and simple assault. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Wesley S. Bryant
, 2882 John Branch Rd., Batesville, was arrested and charged with violation of probation. The case will be heard in Circuit Court.

Ronnie D. House
, 339 Hays St., Batesville, was arrested and charged with simple assault. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Mike Corey Ware
, 9035 Highway 51, Courtland, is being held for the Mississippi Department of Corrections.

Marrio L. Webb
, 701 Pearl St., Sardis, was arrested is being held for the Mississippi Department of Corrections.

October 6
Myron A. Powell, Country Village Apts. #4, Martin Luther King Dr., Batesville, is a state inmate being housed at the jail.

James Earl Fry, 2268 Teasdale Rd., Enid, was arrested and charged with no driver’s license, no proof of insurance and running a stop sign. The case will be heard in Pope Municipal Court.

Alexander Weldon Ray, 1046 Carlisle Rd., Courtland, is being held for the Mississippi Department of Corrections.

October 7
V. Quinton Tellis, 6183 Highway 6 West, Batesville, was arrested and charged with no driver’s license, expired tag and felony fleeing. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Larry Daniel, 213 Atkins St., Sardis, was arrested and charged with false identifying information. The case will be heard in Sardis Municipal Court.

Mark A. Walls
, 425 James Johnson Rd., Como, was arrested and charged with false information and shoplifting. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Jeffery M. Gilliam
, 6090 Devon Cir., Horn Lake, was arrested and charged with speeding (84/70), no driver’s license and no insurance. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Victor Manuel Sevilla
, 310 Evans Rd., Colt, Ala., was arrested and charged with DUI- first offense and indecent exposure. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Jacqueline Rene Baker, 1322 Sardis Lake Dr., Batesville, was arrested and charged with disturbing the peace.

Charles Vance Goldsmith, 32182 Blackjack Rd., Batesville, was arrested and charged with three counts of public profanity, disturbing the peace, disorderly conduct and simple assault. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

October 8
Dontaubis Montez Jackson, 203 Willie Hibbler Rd., Senatobia, was arrested and charged with no driver’s license, no insurance and speeding. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Rodney L. Fisher
, 105 Eliott Rd., Greenbriar, Ark., was arrested and charged with driving while license suspended. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Terry L. Draper, 1217-C Springport Rd., Sardis, was arrested and charged with child support lock-up order, disorderly conduct- failure to comply, no insurance and no seatbelt. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court and Chancery Court.

October 9
April Latrice Turner, 118 Alread Rd., Courtland, was arrested and charged with possession of a controlled substance. The suspect is also being held for investigation. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Eric Duran Montgomery, 214 Tubbs Rd., Batesville, was arrested and charged with possession of a controlled substance, failure to stop, reckless driving, no seatbelt and running a stop sign. The case will be heard in Circuit Court.



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