Sports / Outdoors – 5/12/2006

Published 12:00 am Friday, May 12, 2006

The Panolian: SPORTS – May 12, 2006

  From the 5/12/06 issue of The Panolian 

Little League Sign-up – Sign-up for City of Batesville Little League baseball and softball will be held each Saturday at Patton Lane Park from 9 a.m. to noon. To sign up through the week, go to the Boys and Girls Club on Highway 51 South in Batesville.
     A nominal fee will be collected. For more information call Otis Cooper at 563-2326 or Dennis Hoskins at
Batesville Panthers
The North Mississippi Youth Football League Batesville Panthers will hold registration, Saturday, May 13 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
     Registration will be held at the old J.P. Hudson ballpark behind the swimming pool.
     Participants should be early because registration is only open until the teams are filled.
     Registration fee is $65. The cut off date for birthdays is August 1. A copy of a birth certificate and a wallet size photo is required.
     Authorized uniforms are required to participate.  For more information, call Jerry Self at (662) 623-0505.
SP banquet
Today is the final day to buy tickets for the South Panola High School football banquet/ring ceremony.
     Tickets are $6 the for the May 13 banquet. The banquet begins at 6 p.m. in the high school cafeteria.
     The football team will play in a scrimmage at Clinton Thursday, May 11.
Slow Pitch Softball
South Panola will hold slow pitch softball tryouts Tuesday, May 16, after school beginning at 1:30 p.m. at Trussell Park. Bring glove and be dressed to be active.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
The Fellowship of Christian Athletes will hold a Camp Fundraiser and Coaches Appreciation Banquet on Thursday, May 18.
     The banquet will be held at the new National Guard Armory on Keating Road beginning at 6 p.m. Special speaker will be Hugh Freeze of the Ole Miss football program.
     Funds are being raised in order to send coaches and students to leadership camp. The cost of a table is $250 and will allow the sponsor to seat five guests and five coaches or students.
     "We need the support of churches, the business community and civic clubs to accomplish our goal," said coordinator Dennis Hoskins.
     Make checks payable to the South Panola Fellowship of Christian Athletes Adult Huddle (SP FCA). For more information, contact Randy Boren at 563-2772,
563-1910 or Dennis Hoskins at 578-7309, 563-4426.
Deshea Townsend, of the Super Bowl Champion Pittsburgh Steelers, has announced the dates for his sixth annual Pay it Forward Football Camp.
     The camp will be held Saturday, May 20, on the South Panola Tiger football field.
     Townsend, along with some other Steelers, will conduct the camp for children ages 6 to 18.
     There is no fee to participate in the camp, but preregistration is required. Registration forms must be turned in by Friday, May 12.
     Forms may be picked up and returned to The Panolian, 363 Highway 51 N., Batesville or the Boys and Girls Club, 630 Highway 51 S., Batesville.
     Registration forms have to be signed by a parents or guardian or the children will not be allowed to participate.
The camp will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
     For more information call Myra Bean at (662) 609-6906 or Nyanthia Townsend at (662) 654-3134.
North Delta Camp
North Delta basketball team will host a Pee Wee camp for girls in grades K5 through third will be held May 22-26 from 8 a.m. to noon.
     The cost is $55 and open to anyone who wants to play.
     If kids cannot preregister, they can register the first day of camp, according to new girls basketball coach Phil Douglas.
     Douglas and his wife, Nancy, will conduct the camps.
SP Baseball Camp
South Panola High School will be hosting its annual summer baseball camp Wednesday, May 31-June 2 (Wednesday-Friday) at American Legion park.
     The camp will run from 9 a.m. to noon each day. There is no charge for the camp.
     Instruction will include all phases of the game of baseball. Anyone, age 7 to 14, who is wanting to improve his baseball skills is strongly encouraged to attend. Also, all youth league coaches are invited to attend.
     Instruction will be provided by South Panola baseball coaches, as well as, former Tigers currently playing in college.
     No registration is required. For more information, contact Coach Patrick Robey at 934-2104.
Cheer Yard Sale
The Spirit of Cheer Booster Club will host a rummage sale on Saturday, June 3 at the Batesville Jr High gym. The sale will begin at 7 a.m. Admission is free.
     There will be an "Early Bird Special" for those who want to shop early. The admission price for the special will be $5 per person. The "Early Bird Special" will begin at
5 a.m.
     The booster club is currently accepting donations of goods to be used for the sale. Anyone who would like to donate items may bring those items to the Batesville Jr. High gym on Mondays between 5:30-8 p.m. or on Thursdays between 5:30-8:00 p.m.
The Spirit of Cheer Booster Club will host a rummage sale on Saturday, June 3 at the Batesville Jr High gym.The sale will begin at 7 a.m Admission is free.
     There will be an "Early Bird Special" for those who want to shop early. The admission price for the special will be $5 per person. The "Early Bird Special" will begin at 5a.m.
     The booster club is currently accepting donations of goods to be used for the sale. Anyone who would like to donate items may bring those items to the Batesville Jr. High gym on Mondays between 5:30-8 p.m. or on Thursdays between 5:30-8:00 p.m.    
Basketball Tournament – There will be a Big Outdoor Benefit Basketball Tournament for men and women for cancer victim George Crowder on June 4 at Enid Dam.
     Entry fee is $25 per team and a $2 admission fee for spectators. Refreshments will be available.
     For more information or to book a team, call (662) 578-0457.
There will be a Big Outdoor Benefit Basketball Tournament for men and women for cancer victim George Crowder on June 4 at Enid Dam.
     Entry fee is $25 per team and a $2 admission fee for spectators. Refreshments will be available.
     For more information or to book a team, call (662) 578-0457.    
North Delta Camp
North Delta basketball team will host a camp for girls in grades four through nine will be held June 5-9 from 8 a.m. to noon. The cost is $55.
     If kids cannot preregister, they can register the first day of camp, according to new girls basketball coach Phil Douglas.
     Douglas and his wife, Nancy, will conduct the camps.
Touchdown Club – The South Panola Touchdown Club will host a 4-man Scramble Golf Tournament on Saturday, June 17 at Mallard Pointe Golf Course.
     The tax deductible fee is $60 per person or $240 for team.
     Deadline is June 10. For more information or registration, call Buddy Gray at 563-7601 or 934-8227.
The South Panola Touchdown Club will host a 4-man Scramble Golf Tournament on Saturday, June 17 at Mallard Pointe Golf Course.
     The tax deductible fee is $60 per person or $240 for team.
     Deadline is June 10. For more information or registration, call Buddy Gray at 563-7601 or 934-8227.
SP acquires top coach
By Myra Bean
and Rupert Howell

The best and the worst kept secret in the state of Mississippi has officially been revealed.

South Panola has been able to land one of the "best" fast pitch softball coaches in the state of Mississippi, Ashleigh Hicks, according to South Panola principal Dr. Gearl Loden.

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"This is a big deal to get her," Loden said.

Hicks is leaving a very successful Madison Central team after two years to come coach the South Panola Lady Tigers. Madison Central lost in the North Half in 2005 to eventual state champion, Southaven, and lost in the state championship game this year to Oak Grove.

Officially, she will be in Batesville after school is out in Madison on May 24.

Hicks has been highly courted this season to move from Madison Central. She was offered the head coaching position at Mississippi College and an assistant coach position at Millsaps.

According to Hicks, she took the position at South Panola because she saw the "potential" in the team.

Loden candidly told the team in a meeting Wednesday that the administration is very concerned that they have the best coach to coach them.

"You can also thank Dr. Shaffer," Loden said. "He is very interested in getting the softball and baseball fields built across the road," Loden said.

"I believe Ashleigh will take us to a level where we have never been before," Loden said.

Hicks led Madison Central to a 30-3 season including the loss. in the state championship game against Oak Grove last week. Madison Central was ranked No. 1 in the state throughout the season.

The South Panola School board approved Hicks’ hiring at April’s school board meeting on a 12-month contract, but the hiring was not formally announced so Hicks could finish the season at Madison Central without distraction, according to Loden.

Part of deciding to come to South Panola, according to Hicks, was she was very intrigued with the school and with Loden.

"In my heart, I felt like this was something I needed to do," Hicks said.

The potential Hicks said she saw in South Panola included the two pitchers, Lauren Suratt and Whitney Kiihnl, and she was impressed with the defense, hitting and swinging.

"I was more concerned with playing South Panola this year than anyone in the state just because the potential is here," Hicks said.

Hicks said she looks forward to being part of watching this fast pitch program reach the "next level."

"There are a lot of people who would love to be in the position you are in," Hicks told the team. "We can be there."

Assisting Hicks will be John Davis, who has served as the assistant coach for several seasons.

"When I approached Coach Davis about this position, he asked me to find the best coach available," Loden said.

Hicks said Davis has been and will continue to be a big part of the success of the South Panola fast pitch program.

Some of Hicks other coaching and teaching background include Jackson Veritas School, Jackson Prep and Belhaven College.

Hicks was also a player. She played college ball at Meridian Community College and Mississippi College.

She is also coaching two travel teams this summer, the Mississippi Eclipse. Both teams have that name and include members from central and south Mississippi.

"I am very excited," she said. "I am looking forward to a great year."

Tryouts for next year’s team will be held Wednesday and Thursday, May 24 and 25, beginning at 5:30 p.m. at Trussell Park.

All participants must bring their glove.

ND athletes honored at banquet
By Myra Bean

North Delta held its annual athletic awards banquet Monday night to honor the top athletes in the school.

Dustin Maples was one of the most decorated athletes of the night for his football career at North Delta. He was recognized as a state All-Star.

He played in the Mississippi Private School All Star game in December.

He was also the school’s Most Valuable Player.

Recognized as All-Conference players in football by outgoing head football coach Rick Johnston were:

All-Conference Offense –
     Bryce Raddatz, Maples, Christian Amberson
     and Dakota Mabry;

All-Conference Defense –
     Dakota Mabry, Heath Reed, Forrest Wilbanks
     and Patrick Ellis;

All Conference Offense Honorable Mention –
     Jon Michael Ware and Ellis; and

All Conference Defense Honorable Mention –
     Ware, Josh Ratliff and Sean Cole.

For junior high football, Bateman Greenlee and Blane Joyner were named best offensive backs. Joyner was also the Most Valuable Player and Greenlee received the Coaches’ Award.

Best defensive lineman was Robbie Bell, the best offensive lineman was Bradley Bishop.

Most improved award went to Britt Lawrence.

In fast pitch softball, Ashley Golden was recognized as she played in the state All-Star game.

Receiving All-Conference honors in softball were Golden, Casey Whitworth and Courtney McCullar.

All Conference Honorable Mention was Kathleen Snyder.

Team honors in softball went to: Samantha Massoth, defensive player of the year; Courtney McCullar, slugging award; Melanie Gaters, coaches’ award; and Casey Whitworth, offensive player of the year.

In varsity girls track, Whitworth was the Most Valuable Player; Caroline Moore got the best all around award; and Austin Jenkins was named best in the field.

For junior high girls track, Morgan Lawrence was named the Most Valuable Player. Linsey Hebert was named best all around and Sara Waldrip received the coaches’ award.

The tennis most valuable player was Johnathan Pratt.

In golf, medalist was Seth Barnett and team captain was Nathanael Abernethy.

Girls basketball awards were presented by Herman Coats.

In varsity basketball, Casey Whitworth was named All-District and in team awards was named the best defensive player.

All-District Honorable Mention was Ashley Golden. In team awards she was named Miss Hustle.
Other team awards went to Kathleen Snyder, best rebounder and Nikki Darby, best three-point shooter.

Junior high girls basketball awards went to Emily Ridge, best defensive player; Sara Waldrip, best rebounder; Lauren Kimzey, best three-point shooter; Samantha Massoth, Miss Hustle; and Madison Greenlee, most improved.

Three baseball awards were handed out by head coach David Hardy.

Senior Chris Pike received the Utility Award for being the most versatile player on the team.

Pittman Harrison received the award for the highest batting average of .500. Hunter Darby received the Coaches’ Award.

In basketball, awards were handed out to junior high and varsity players. Junior high awards went to Bateman Greenlee, all district; Geri Lamm, best offensive player; Hunter West, hustle; and Taylor Herron, best defensive and most valuable player.

Varsity players recognized by head coach Brad Wilson were Brandon White, hustle; Dakota Mabry, best offensive and most valuable player; and Jacob Gurley, best defense.

In junior high track, Geri Lamm received the best all around award; distance award went to Levi Garner; and Rob Maddox received the best field award.

At the end of the ceremony, outgoing Booster Club president Jim Beard recognized all the coaches with a gift from the club. They also recognized Becky Jones for her hard work throughout the year for the athletic program. Jones received a standing ovation from the crowd.

Then Beard handed off the keys to new president, Brad Greenlee.




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