Reports – 5/12/2006

Published 12:00 am Friday, May 12, 2006

The Panolian: COUNTY REPORTS – May 12, 2006

 From the 5/12/06 issue of The Panolian       

Court Report

Threat wasn’t that threatening, affiant admits to judge
By Emily Williams

Judge Bill McKenzie dismissed a simple assault case Wednesday during Batesville Municipal Court after the affiant admitted that she really didn’t fear for her life after being threatened by defendant Keniesha Braxton of 318 Panola Ave., Batesville.

Affiant Tiffany Lester of Enid told Judge McKenzie that Braxton had threatened to kill her.

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"I know she isn’t going to kill me," Lester said. "She has just been harassing me for years. She was just clowning."

Testimony in court revealed that the dispute between the women stems from their romantic involvement with the same man.

Judge McKenzie asked, "What is the solution?"

"The problem is that this man is going with both of y’all."

Braxton also faced old fines of $371 that have been due since April 15.

The judge told Braxton to have the fines paid in full in 30 days or serve time in jail.

Christopher Whitten, 117 Hoskins Rd., Batesville, entered a guilty plea to disorderly conduct for failing to comply with the officer’s request to get back into the car and for running away.

He was fined $605 due in 30 days.

Tyrone Whitten, 117 Hoskins Rd., Batesville, failed to appear to answer charges of disorderly conduct-failure to comply. According to the court docket, the defendant was ordered to work 96 days on the city work program to satisfy prior fines owed. He failed to complete the program and he hasn’t shown up in two weeks for a total past due fine of $3,879.

Alright Bonding Company was notified.

Recardis Bland, 478 Teasdale, Enid, entered guilty pleas to open container, driving while license suspended, no proof of insurance and reckless driving. His fine was lowered after he showed proof he received insurance after the ticket was issued. His total fine was $985.

Gloria Hawkins, 1840 Espy Rd., Clarksdale, entered a guilty plea to taking DVDs and underwear from Wal-Mart worth $157.18.

Judge McKenzie told Hawkins, "The policy here is first offenders get a $610 fine pending 30 days in jail if the fine isn’t paid in full. The second time you will go to jail."

When Judge McKenzie asked Hawkins, "Who pays for what you steal?"

She had no response. He then asked her again and she said, "I guess Wal-Mart."

Judge McKenzie said, "No, it is the honest folks who pay their bill."

Dewitt Miles, 208 King St., Batesville, entered a guilty plea to possession of marijuana in a motor vehicle.

"I am getting treatment," said Miles.

When he was told his fine was $605 he asked if he could do a payment plan.

Judge McKenzie said, "We don’t do payment plans here; you can go to the bank."

Miles also had his license suspended for six months.

Domestic violence
Randy Tiner Jr., 231 Magnolia, Pope, had a domestic violence-simple assault charge dismissed after affiant Charlie Duke failed to appear to prosecute.

Demon Jackson, 102-B Bradford, Batesville, entered a guilty plea to domestic violence – simple assault by causing bodily injury by biting Caroline Jones on the left side of her face.

"It was just a misunderstanding, no violence," said Jackson.

At first his plea was "not guilty" then he changed his plea to guilty to avoid a court date.

"The cops were called, it wasn’t serious, she just wanted me to leave," he said.

He was fined $355 and told Judge McKenzie as he walked away that he couldn’t pay the fine in 30 days.

Contempt of court
Cortez Turner, Charleston, faced contempt of court old fines of $374 that have been due since September 2000. He also had new charges of speeding, no proof of insurance and driving while license suspended.

"You are running up a big bill," the judge said.

"You are your own worst enemy."

His total fines were $1,052 and was told if he didn’t have "every dime" paid in full in 30 days he would serve six months in jail.

Roderick Sanford, 206 Tubbs No. 27, Batesville, failed to appear for contempt of court-old fines of $833 that have been due since March 2005. He also failed to appear last week for the contempt charges.

Christopher Thomas, 1577 Shiloh Rd., Courtland, had old fines of $383, that have been due since March 2002. He is also in jail for other charges and can’t be released. Judge McKenzie sentenced him to 30 more days to satisfy his fines.

Cassandra Scott, 808 East Chesnut, Charleston, entered in the city’s work release program for 18 days instead of paying old fines of $705 that have been due since June 2005.

Ruthie Reynolds, 761 Pocohontas St., Sardis, was previously ordered by Judge Jay Westfaul to have her old fines of $282 paid in full April 22 or serve 12 days in jail.

Judge McKenzie told Reynolds her fine was due in 12 days or she would be serving 30 days in jail and would still owe the fines.

Derrick Oliver, 335 Hernando St., Sardis, paid his fines of $398 that have been due since May 1999, prior to court.

William Henderson, 57098 Barnacre Rd., Batesville, also paid his old fines of $500 that have been due since September 2004 prior to court.

Cedric Wright, 139 Todd Rd., Batesville, had old fines of $353 that have been due since August 2005. The docket stated he failed to complete the assigned number of days on the city’s work release program.

Judge McKenzie said, "I guess the law doesn’t apply to you."

Wright responded, "no."

He was ordered to have the fine paid in full Friday, May 12, or serve 90 days in jail.

Sammy Armstead, Greenhill, Courtland paid contempt of court fines of $1,295 in full prior to court.

Grand jury
Elton Turner, 109 Martinez, Batesville, was referred to the grand jury for possession of controlled substance, possession of marijuana (simple) and possession of paraphernalia.

Pamela Robinson, 203-D Leonard St., Batesville, was referred to the grand jury for felony malicious mischief.

Tamekia Robinson, 203-A Leonard St., Batesville, was referred to the grand jury for felony malicious mischief.

Robert W. Gates, 119 1/2 Field St., Batesville, was fined $281 for no driver’s license.

Tyrus Mills, 303 RR St. No. 17, Como, was fined $487 for child support violation and driving while license suspended. He also had a no proof of insurance charge dismissed after providing valid proof of insurance.

Marge H. Pointer, 3 Baltzer Rome Rd., Tutwiler, had a no proof of insurance charge dismissed after proving she had valid rental car insurance.

"I was driving a rental car, but didn’t have my insurance card on me," Pointer said.

Daryl D. Stokes, 803 Jones St., Crenshaw, had a no driver’s license and no proof of insurance case continued.

James C. Cox, 231 Cedar Dr., Pope, was fined $356 for driving while license suspended.

Miles Cole, 905 Irwin St., Lambert, was fined $281 for no driver’s license.

Russ Pinkins Jr., 11 CR 171 Hwy. 6 West, Oxford, was fined $286 for speeding and driving while license suspended. A lower fine was imposed for the driving while license suspended because he proved he had gotten a valid license after the ticket was issued.

Martha S. House, 339 Hays St., Batesville, had a no proof of insurance charge continued.

Krystal K. Moore, 206 Tubbs Rd., Batesville, was fined $864 for no proof of insurance and no driver’s license.

Mary L. Shaw, 246 Fourth St., Falcon, was fined $412, for no driver’s license and no child restraint.

Ella R. Battle, 2690 Cotton Plant, Batesville, had a no proof of insurance and driving while license suspended charge continued.

Tamesha Stinson, 12902 Ballentine Rd., Sardis, had no driver’s license and no proof of insurance charges continued.

Tony L. Wilkins, P.O. Box 473, Coldwater, had a no proof of insurance fine reduced after providing he had gotten insurance after the ticket was issued. The lower fine was $183. He was also fined $281 for no driver’s license.

Angela W. Sanford, 206 Tubbs Rd. Apt. 30, Batesville, was fined $356 for driving while license suspended.

Billy D. Copeland, 220 Noble St., Batesville, had a driving while license suspended charge continued. Copeland said he thought it was a court error in another county.

Cortez L. Turner, 107 Martin Luther King, Batesville, was fined $,1052 for driving while license suspended, speeding and no insurance.

Keithrick D. Hunt, 12541 Ballentine Rd., Sardis, was fined $356 for driving while license suspended.

Steven L. Ware, 9035 Hwy. 51 South, Courtland, was fined $939 for driving while license suspended and no proof of insurance.

Stevie L. Bonner, 415 Bonner St., Como, had a lower fine of $183 imposed for no proof of insurance after proving he received insurance after the ticket was issued.

Barry W. Savely, 2876 Sardis Lake Dr., Batesville, had a lower fine of $183 imposed for no proof of insurance after proving he received insurance after the ticket was issued.

Jeremy T. Harris, 69-A Wilbourn Rd., Sardis, was fined $356 for driving while license suspended.


Sheriff’s Report
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Health Inspections
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Marriage Licenses
No report this issue
Divorces Granted
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