Reports – 1/31/2006

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The Panolian: COUNTY REPORTS – January 31, 2006

 From the 1/31/06 issue of The Panolian       

City Court Report
No report this issue
Marriage Licenses
No report this issue
Divorces Granted
No report this issue
Health Inspections
No report this issue
Sheriff’s Report
All information is taken directly from the open records of the Panola County Sheriff’s Department. An arrest does not mean a conviction. All individuals are innocent until proven guilty. Names will not be left out of the records upon request. If a name appears in the arrest logs, it will appear in The Panolian.
January 23
Jason J. Bobo, 107 Vance St., Batesville, was arrested and charged with armed robbery. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court and Circuit Court.

Willie M. Mitchell, 4261 Nash Rd., Batesville, was arrested and charged with contempt of court. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Teresa N. Rudd, 109 Williams St., Batesville, was arrested and charged with false pretense. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

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Beverly L. Miles, 435 Tubbs Rd., Batesville, was arrested and charged with false pretense. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Damon L. Andrews Jr., 1035 Lawrence Brothers Rd., Batesville, was arrested and charged with violation of probation.

January 24
Timothy L. Stacker, 203 Lynn St., Clarksdale, was arrested and charged with six counts of possession of crack cocaine with intent.

Joe N. Benson, 738 A Benson, Pope, was arrested and charged with manufacturing of marijuana and sale of cocaine. The case will be heard in Circuit Court.

William Roden, 21374 Hwy. 6 East, Batesville, was transferred to the state penitentiary in Parchman.
Dennis C. Henderson, 818 Bethlehem Rd., Batesville, was arrested and charged with 17 counts of false pretenses. The case will be heard in Circuit Court.

Perry D. Poole, 113 Cole Dr., Tubbs Rd., Batesville, was arrested and charged with simple assault. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

LaKeeta R. Harrell, 215 Vance St., Batesville, was arrested and charged with contempt of court-failure to pay and false information. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Jeramie C. Mann, 4499 Sardis Lake Dr., Batesville, is being held for investigation. The case will be heard in Circuit Court.

January 25
Cedric E. Echols, 570 Pleason Grove Rd., Como, was arrested and charged with disturbance of family. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Johnathan X. Parker, 302 Patton Lane, Batesville, was arrested and charged with simple assault. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Tyrone Bridgeman, 245 Ballard Ave., Darleen, was arrested and charged with failure to obey child support law. The case will be heard in Chancery Court.

Regina Fay Hale, 93 C County Rd. 469, Oxford, was arrested and charged with burglary and disturbance of the peace. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Marilyn Fay Timonere, 1387 Sardis Lake Dr., Batesville, was arrested and charged with disturbance of the peace. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Omar Deville Jones, 278 E Ruby Rd., Courtland, was arrested and charged with domestic violence and simple assault. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Terry Wayne Wilkins, 28187 Hwy. 6, Sardis, was arrested and charged with disturbance of the peace. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Rico Demond Leland
, 204 Everret St., Batesville, was arrested and charged with burglary. The case will be heard in Circuit Court.

Cherrica A. Wright
, 3541 Nash Rd., Batesville, was arrested and charged with burglary. The case will be heard in Circuit Court.

Tammy L. Alred
, 19697 B Hwy. 51 South, Sardis, was arrested and charged with DUI (second). The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Edward Dale McDowell
, 3726 Tocowa Rd., Courtland, was arrested and charged with contempt of court-failure to pay fines. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

January 26
Fred D. Keeton, 120 Cheyenne St., Hot Springs, Ark., was arrested and charged with domestic violence and simple assault. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Lashon Renee Carpenter, 1817 Springport Rd., Sardis, was arrested and charged with arson and contempt of court. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Jerome Ellis, 109 Everette St., Batesville, was arrested and charged with sale of controlled substance. The case will be heard in Circuit Court.

Larry Todd Montgomery, 6079 B Eureka Rd., Courtland, was arrested and charged with aggravated assault. The case will be heard in Circuit Court.

Arlando J. Webb, 110 Williams St., Batesville, was arrested and charged with sale of controlled substance (marijuana). The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Shontavis Morgan, 84 A Azzie Lee Rd., Courtland, was arrested and charged with failure to stop, no proof of insurance, possession of cocaine and DUI. The case will be heard in Pope Municipal Court.

January 27
Kappy L. Avant
, 2421 Nash Rd., Batesville, was arrested and charged with embezzlement and bond surrender. The case will be heard in Circuit Court.

Antonio Jarmaine Love
, 1413 1/2 West Main St., Marks, was arrested and charged with violation of probation. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Jimmy Lee Hines, 101 Normandy Ave., Batesville, was arrested and charged with statutory rape. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

January 28
Jerry L. Gardner
, P.O. Box 780 Como, was arrested and charged with public drunk. The case will be heard in Como Municipal Court.

Jason D. McClay
, 304 Hubbard Rd., Pope, was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Joseph T. Welch
, 202 Claude St., Batesville, was arrested and charged with domestic violence and simple assault. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Morrie Turner
, 202 Claude St., Batesville, was arrested and charged with domestic violence and simple assault. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Jerry L. Melton
, 8313 Hwy. 51 South, Courtland, was arrested and charged with failure to obey child support law. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Reginald Stevenson
, 25527 Hwy. 35 North, Sardis, was arrested and charged with contempt, open container and possession of paraphernalia. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Christene Hunt Thomas
, 512 Warren St., Como, was arrested and charged with domestic violence and simple assault. The case will be heard in Como Municipal Court.

Larry Darnell Thomas
, 512 Warren St., Como, was arrested and charged with domestic violence and simple assault. The case will be heard in Como Municipal Court.

January 29
Angela L. Roberson
, 1044 Lonzo Gipson Rd., Sardis, was arrested and charged with contempt of court. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Micheal A. Hyde
, 202 Armstrong St., Batesville, was arrested and charged with DUI. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Eddie L. Childs
, 112 Martane, Batesville, was arrested and charged with DUI. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Jaunita McNeil
, 319 Old Panola Rd., Como, was arrested and charged with driving while license suspended. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Cynthia Linnette Tribble
, 204 A Lester St., Batesville, was arrested and charged with malicious mischief. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Shervedia D. Reeves
, 1039 Hawkins Rd., Courtland, was arrested and charged with contempt of court. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.




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