Reports – 11/8/2005

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, November 8, 2005

The Panolian: COUNTY REPORTS – November 8, 2005

  From the 11/8/05 issue of The Panolian  

City Court Report
No report this issue
Batesville Fire Department Report
No report this issue
Marriage Licenses
No report this issue
Divorces Granted
No report this issue
Health Inspections
No report this issue
Sheriff’s Report    
All information is taken directly from the open records of the Panola County Sheriff’s Department. An arrest does not mean a conviction. All individuals are innocent until proven guilty. Names will not be left out of the records upon request. If a name appears in the arrest logs, it will appear in The Panolian. 
October 31

Willard T. Tigner, 704 Chapel Hill, Pope, was arrested and charged with attempted rape. The case will be heard in Circuit Court.

Margaret E. Crawford, Hwy. 51 South, Oakland, was arrested and charged with false identification and fraudulently obtaining goods. The case will be heard in Circuit Court.

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Andrew J. Munster, Kingston, Pennsylvania, was arrested and charged with shoplifting. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Verkengie L. Towns, 3958 Woodruff Rd., Batesville, was arrested and charged with possession of paraphernalia and expired tag. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Keyandrick Jones, 209 D. Lester St., Batesville, is being held for investigation. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Donald P. Dawkins, 31540 East Blackjack Rd., Batesville, was arrested and charged with no driver’s license. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Otis M. Porter, 170 Abe Chapel Rd., Como, was arrested and charged with littering and possession of a controlled substance. The case will be heard in Como Municipal Court.

Earlene Black, 307 Church St., Como, was arrested and charged with simple assault. The case will be heard in Como Municipal Court.

Maleslie Johnson, 307 Church St., Como, was arrested and charged with simple assault. The case will be heard in Como Municipal Court.

Lekesha R. Heffner, 709 Letha Wiley Rd., Sardis, was arrested and charged with simple assault. The case will be heard in Como Municipal Court.

John C. Lowry, 260 Broken Oak Dr., Brandon, is being held for investigation. The case will be heard in Circuit Court.

Terry W. Franklin Jr., 766 A. Carlisle Rd., Courtland, was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Marcus S. Lester, 260 Broken Oak Dr., Brandon, is being held for investigation. The case will be heard in Circuit Court.

Mark T. Trotter, 136 Archer Ave., Jackson, is being held for investigation. The case will be heard in Circuit Court.

November 1
Heather M. Cox, 1234 Mudline Rd., Enid, was arrested and charged with armed robbery.

Edward D. Ford, 808 Wells St. Extd., Courtland, was arrested and charged with disturbance of a family. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Eddie Henderson, 112 Williams St., Batesville, was arrested and charged with public drunk and disorderly conduct-failure to comply. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Jack C. Hopkins, 158 Wet J. Road, Crenshaw, was arrested and charged with speeding, DUI and seat belt violation. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Charles L. Frederick, 863 Hwy. 322 East, Lambert, was arrested and charged with violation of the child support law. The case will be heard in Chancery Court.

November 2
Jameiko M. Phillips, 78 Riverside Place, Oxford, was arrested and charged with driving while license suspended (implied consent) and no proof of insurance. The case will be heard in Como Municipal Court.

Mario L. Walls, 1120 Hammond Hill Rd., Como, was arrested and charged with open container. The case will be heard in Como Municipal Court.

Shermain L. Clemons, 901 Herron Rd., Courtland, was arrested and charged with attempted armed robbery and aggravated assault. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court and Circuit Court.

Roger L. Crosswhite, 413 Williams St., Batesville, was arrested and charged with burglary of a commercial building (cars), malicious mischief and petit larceny. The case will be heard in Justice Court and Circuit Court.

Kendrick Jones, 1675 B Fudgetown Rd., Sardis, was arrested and charged with disturbance of a family. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Patrick Darell Wiley, 667 Bethlehem Rd., Batesville, was arrested and charged with failure to comply and disturbance of a family. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Kentrell Wiley, 667 Bethlehem Rd., Batesville, was arrested and charged with disturbance of a family. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Ardel Dulen Evans, 409 Taylor St., Como, was arrested and charged with two counts of possession of controlled substance, violation of seat belt law, careless driving, failure to yield to blue lights and driving on wrong side of the road. The case will be heard in Como Municipal Court and Circuit Court.

William Earl Doyle, 990 Heafner Rd., Batesville, was arrested and charged with no proof of insurance, driving while license suspended and contempt -failure to pay fines. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

November 3
Beverly A. Fondren, C and M Apartments #1, Lester St., Batesville, was arrested and charged with possession of paraphernalia. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Rico Taylor, 307 Church St. Apartment #4, Como, was arrested and charged with resisting arrest, no proof of insurance, possession of paraphernalia, driving while license suspended, open container, speeding, failure to yield to blue lights and improper equipment. The case will be heard in Como Municipal Court.

November 3
Reginald Henderson, 112 William St., Batesville, was arrested and charged with contempt. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Michael D. Ballentine, 201 Clairmont St., Sardis, was arrested and charged with shoplifting (second offense) and contempt. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Charles W. Pitcock, Rt. 2 Box 250, Water Valley, was arrested and charged with violation of probation. The case will be heard in Circuit Court.

Jerry C. Avant, 9873 Hwy. 6 West, Batesville, was arrested and charged with simple assault. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Walter Lee Partee, 23857 Hwy. 310 East, Como, was arrested and charged with DUI, possession of marijuana, possession of paraphernalia and disorderly conduct. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Boris Nokomis Grims, 11594 Old Hwy. 61 North, Tunica, was served a bench warrant and arrested and charged with theft of a motor vehicle. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Dan White, 208 Scott St., Senatobia, was arrested and charged with contributing to a minor. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Hebert C. Williams Jr., 295 Fifth Ext., Crowder, was arrested and charged with DUI and careless driving. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Anthonie Jermaine Henderson, 818 Bethlehem Rd., Batesville, was arrested and charged with obstructing public streets, no proof of insurance, resisting arrest and possession of controlled substance with intent. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

November 4
Misty Ford Carpenter, 331 Bethel Rd., Enid, is here for court. The case will be heard in Circuit Court.

Erica M. Shrump, 146 Thornton Drive, was arrested and charged with five counts of bad checks.

Oliver Arnold, 881 Floyd’s Island, Sardis, was arrested and charged with disturbing the peace (two counts). The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Darreyl Ruffin, 602 Jones St. Trailer Park, Crenshaw, was arrested and charged with failure to obey child support law. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

November 5
Shannon H. Ware, 1708 Leslie Dr., Pope, was arrested and charged with public drunk. The case will be heard in Pope Municipal Court.

Larry Jones, 113 Williams St., Batesville, was arrested and charged with aggravated assault. The case will be heard in Circuit Court.

Rannie A. Young, 200 D Leonard St., Batesville, was arrested and charged with DUI. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Cornell M. Johnson, 433 Taylor St., Como, was arrested and charged with resisting arrest and disorderly conduct. The case will be heard in Sardis Municipal Court.

Scotty A. Wilbourn, 487 Abe Chapel Rd., Como, was arrested and charged with resisting arrest and disorderly conduct. The case will be heard in Sardis Municipal Court.

Sherria D. Jefferson, P.O. Box 417, Lambert, was arrested and charged with shoplifting. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Chester Rodgers, 468 McCloud Rd., Como, was arrested and charged with driving while license suspended and no proof of insurance. The case will be heard in Como Municipal Court.

Doris D. Jackson, 215 Division St., Como, was arrested and charged with reckless driving, driving while license suspended, no proof of insurance, seat belt violation, resisting arrest and DUI. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Anthony Q. Johnson, 442 Taylor St., Como, was arrested and charged with no proof of insurance and suspended driver’s license. The case will be heard in Como Municipal Court.

Robert E. Holland, 239 Pund Rd., Batesville, was arrested and charged with possession of paraphernalia. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Terry L. Griffin, 2561 Hwy. 322, Batesville, was arrested and charged with possession of paraphernalia. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

November 6
Kerry Carter, 205 Warren St., Como, was arrested and charged with driving while license suspended, no proof of insurance and careless driving. The case will be heard in Como Municipal Court.

Kristopher R. Rogers, 168 Dina Lane, Sardis, was arrested and charged with DUI and careless driving. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.

Joe N. Mamon, P.O. Box 183, Lesine St., Sledge, was arrested and charged with driving while license suspended, no proof of insurance and loud music. The case will be heard in Crenshaw Municipal Court.

Kathy E. Dupree, 2214 Leslie Dr., Pope, was arrested and charged with threatening phone calls. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Eddie T. Cook, 2214 Leslie Dr., Pope, was arrested and charged with threatening phone calls. The case will be heard in Justice Court.

Daniel C. Chagala, Skyline Apt. #401, Batesville, was arrested and charged with disturbing the peace. The case will be heard in Batesville Municipal Court.



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