By Rita Howell
Sean Wheeler, the defendant in last weekend’s shooting near the Lester Street Apartments, was bound over to the Panola County Grand Jury on charges of aggravated assault and trespassing following a preliminary hearing before Judge Bill McKenzie in Batesville Municipal Court on Wednesday.
Five times in a month After having been warned in the March 2 session of Municipal Court not to drive again until he gets his driver’s license reinstated, Jason Kitchekeg of 219 Vance, Batesville, was back in court on March 9 with yet another ticket for driving while his license is suspended. The court clerk determined that he has received five such tickets within a month in Batesville.
Judge McKenzie sent Kitchekeg to jail for 90 days, and when he gets out, he will owe a fine of $1,569 for the latest charges of expired tag, driving while his license is suspended and no proof of insurance.
Contempt of Court LuAndrew Williams of Tunica was found guilty of contempt of court for failure to pay previously imposed fines of $1,249. He was also fined an additional $595 for false reporting of a crime. Williams had appeared before Judge McKenzie on February 23 and told the judge he never received the tickets he was charged with not paying. Wednesday he came face to face with Sgt. Ruby Myers who had issued the tickets two years ago. Williams confessed that he had indeed received the tickets. Myers charged him with false reporting of a crime because he had initially claimed that someone else was using his identity.
In addition to his fines, he was sentenced to 15 days in jail and was led out of the courtroom following his hearing.
In a similar case, Devin Draper of 91-A Elbert Smith Road, Batesville, had denied that he was driving the car that eluded Batesville police in the pre-dawn hours on July 30, 2004. Draper told the court he did not know who was driving the Mercury Marquis, which belonged to his mother Ada Draper, or who called police from the Draper residence to report unauthorized use of the vehicle. He said he did not receive tickets (for no driver’s license and failure to yield right of way) which were issued to him and delivered to his mother.
Police Officer Denver Donahue testified that he knew Draper from his work on campus at South Panola High School when Draper was a student, and he identified Draper as the driver.
Judge McKenzie found Draper guilty and sentenced him to 30 days in jail which he will serve while awaiting trial in circuit court on unrelated charges.
Kentrell Wiley of 667 Bethlehem Rd., Batesville, told Judge McKenzie he could pay his old fines of $2,241 in 30 days.
"If it’s not paid by the ninth of April, turn yourself in to serve 90 days at the jail," McKenzie told Wiley.
Roman Milam of 611 Shiloh Road, Courtland, fell asleep more than once at his city work release program job, and ended up serving seven days in jail. He is working off a contempt of court fine and owes the city 27 more days of labor. He agreed to complete the assignment, but faces six months in jail if he doesn’t.
Omah Jones of 278 E. Shiloh Road, Courtland paid contempt of court fines of $1,058 prior to court.
Justin Smith of 104 1/2 Gracie Cove, Batesville, was enrolled for 19 days of work to satisfy his contempt of court fine of $755.
Shimoya Brown of 228 Noble St., Batesville, has five more days added to her work release sentence after she left the program without permission. She owes the city 23 more days.
Laketa Taylor of 322 Panola Ave., Batesville, was ordered to perform 33 days of work to satisfy her fines, but she is to wait until Shimoya Brown completes her sentence.
Family disturbances Stephen Beavers of 117 Martin Luther King St., Batesville, pleaded guilty to family disturbance and was fined $255.
Christopher Whitten of 117 Hoskins Road, Batesville, pleaded guilty to disturbance of family and public drunk. He was fined $510 which he will satisfy by performing 13 days of public service.
Leslie Shields of 238 Pearson St., Batesville, pleaded guilty to disturbance of family. He was fined $255.
DUI Michael Connor of 1159 Lawrence Bros., Batesville, pleaded guilty to DUI, careless driving, no driver’s license and no proof of insurance. He brought proof that he had purchased insurance. The judge reduced his fine, which amounted to $1,246.
Tickets John Henry Barksdale of 4238 Curtis Road, Batesville, pleaded guilty to disregarding a traffic light and no proof of insurance. Judge McKenzie reduced his fine when he provided proof that he has purchased insurance. The total fine is $295.
Shaneeka Williams of 86 Otto Sanford Subdivision, Courtland, was fined $155 for no proof of insurance.
Brandon C. Newman of 183 Chrestman Cove, Batesville, charged with no proof of insurance, was given seven days to bring proof that his vehicle is insured.
Remanded A charge of stalking filed against Rene Coker of #4 Harmon Circle, Batesville, by Brian Coker, was remanded to the court files by agreement of both parties and the judge.
Failed to appear Bobbie Dover of 104 Jones St., Batesville failed to appear for her sentencing on charges of DUI (second offense), no driver’s license and driving on the wrong side of the road. She was found guilty in a prior court session, but had medical treatment scheduled. Judge McKenzie sentenced Dover to five days in jail on the DUI charge and imposed a fine of $1,594.
Eric Towns of 705 Jones St., Crenshaw failed to appear on a contempt of court charge for failure to pay fines imposed in 2001. The judge ordered that his bondsman be notified.
Kerry McGhee of 208 Claude St., Batesville failed to appear to answer a contempt of court charge for failure to pay fines imposed in August, 2004. The judge ordered his bondsman to be notified. |