Headlines – 4/16/2004

Published 12:00 am Friday, April 16, 2004

Panolian Headlines: April 16, 2004

For complete stories, pick up the 4/16/04  issue of The Panolian

2004 Little Miss Batesville
2004 Little Miss Batesville Court (l to r) First Alternate Megan McGee, Little Miss Batesville Maddie Sullivant, Second Alternate Lauren Green, Third Alternate Marybeth Bailey Aldridge

Officers Proposed
     for SP Foundation
South Panola proposed foundation officers include (l to r) vice president Calvin Flint; director of committees Ray Poole; president John Ard; at-large director Bob Haltom; treasurer Gene Welch; secretary Jan Hood; at-large director Dr. Samuel Morris; and Dr. C.L. Stevenson, superintendent of South Panola School District.
By Fredrick Cosby Jr.
Contributing Writer

To set the ball in motion for the South Panola School School district to be one of the best districts in the state, the proposed slate of officers for the South Panola Foundation for Public Education and Dr. C.L. Stevenson, superintendent of South Panola School District, met to come up with a plan to raise fund for the foundation and to set boundaries on what the foundation will be capable of doing for the district.

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Gene Welch, proposed treasurer, opened with setting parameters around what the foundation will be able to accomplish.

"I may be wrong by saying this, but what are we trying to do for these children? Are we trying to build playgrounds for the schools or what? We can’t do every little thing."

"Our primary focus is to educate the children in our public schools," said Sgt. John Ard of the Mississippi National Guard and proposed president. "We need to be moving forward and not sitting on our hands. Our main focus needs to be staying positive and believe in what we sell.

"We need to get from the teachers a list of the ten most needed things in our schools. That’s where the rubber meets the road," added Ard.

Ray Poole, proposed director of committees, pointed out the vision of the foundation should be to go through the teachers and to provide grants that would generate academic purpose, morale, and school spirit.

"Our intentions are to help the children, but I don’t think we should go directly to the students. I think we should go through the teachers to get to the children," Poole said.

Poole also suggested rewarding the teachers who are active in the community.

"Some of our teachers are doing some extraordinary things," he said. "I mean we have good teachers that go home at the end of the day and then we have those that go to the games, plays, and band recitals voluntarily. Students that see the teachers outside of the classroom will try to do better in the classroom."


Time Warp
Artist Cristen Barnard of Tutwiler is nearing completion on the first of four murals that will be painted on the side of the Panola Partnership Building on the Downtown Square. All four panels are expected to be finished within an eight week period and will show different periods of Panola County history.

Banquet Time!
Annual Event Set for Como
By Jason C. Mattox
News Editor

The Panola Partnership will hold its annual banquet on Tuesday, April 27.

According to Partnership employee Michelle Adams, this year’s banquet will be held at 211 Main Hall and Gardens in Como beginning at 6:30 p.m. The speaker for the event is Governor Haley Barbour.

"This is the night we will give out our yearly awards," she said. "Our executive board put in a lot of time to determine the winners."

Awards to be presented on behalf of the Panola Partnership include:

– Panola County Citizenship Award
– Past President Award
– James Hal Moore Excellence in Education
– Business of the Year; and
– Ambassador of the Year

"Our Ambassador of the Year Award was based on points awarded the ambassador present for the most events throughout the year," she said. "The person who wins this is very deserving for their support of the continued growth in Panola County."

Adams said the Partnership will also announce the members of its executive board for 2004-2005.

The Batesville Main Street Association will also present its awards at the banquet including Outstanding Volunteer, Outstanding Design and Past President Award.

Grace Jam Offers
     Fun and Fellowship
Back (l to r) Tim Christ, Brian Flint, Stephen Raynolds, (front l to r) Jonathan Dickey, Art Davis and Michael Raynolds, better known as Seven will be one of three bands performing at Grace Jam tomorrow night.
By Jason C.Mattox
News Editor

Several local youth have given up their weekends in an effort to organize an evening of free entertainment for their peers that will take place tomorrow night.

Brian Flint, Michael Raynolds and Jonathan Dickey, who, along with Tim Christ, Stephen Raynolds and Art Davis, comprise the Christian rock band Seven, have spent almost all of their free time and weekends preparing for an event they call Grace Jam.

Brian Flint said said the group decided to put on Grace Jam to provide youth in the area with an evening of fun and Christian fellowship.

"We really felt like there wasn’t anything going on in this area for youth," he said. "So we decided to do something about it."

Raynolds said the group has put in months worth of work preparing the First Baptist Church Family Life Center where the event will be held.

"We have spent a lot of time getting the gym ready, and we still have several hours to go," he said.

"We just all pitched in and got this together," Dickey added. "We had everything it was going to take except the lights, so it isn’t a costly thing."

Dickey said the group has high hopes for Grace Jam to become an annual event and will be selling T-shirts to help cover the cost of next year’s event.