Headlines – 9/2/2003

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, September 2, 2003

Panolian Headlines: September 2, 2003

For complete stories, pick up the 9/2/03  issue of The Panolian

Three of Five NPSD Schools Receive
     Level Three Rating
Como Elementary and Middle School
     Rated Lower
North Panola Superintendent Robert Massey (left) and District Test Coordinator Patricia Lamar carefully examined results of the Mississippi Curriculum Test.


Ten votes gave Jim Pitcock a win over David Chandler in the run-off for Chancery Clerk on Tuesday.

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A total of 6,992 votes were cast with Pitcock taking 3,498 votes or just over 50 percent of the votes cast. Chandler received 3,488.

The margin of victory for Pitcock shrank after election night once the affidavit absentee ballots were counted.

An affidavit ballot, according to a circuit court clerk, is a ballot cast at the polls by a voter whose name is not in the books. Those ballots are put in separate envelopes, sealed and the envelope is signed by the voter.

The spokesman said affidavit balloting usually occurs when a person goes to the wrong polling place to vote. The names of all affidavit voters are double-checked against the registered voter list before the ballot is counted.

Come by the office for a copy of today’s edition of Playbook 2003 – an in-depth preseason look at all the local football teams.

Jackie Chapman Named Unicel’s
      ‘Hometown Hero’
(l to r) Unicel associate Carolyn Ware, Asst. Store Manager Yvette Reasons, Jackie Chapman and Steve Beckham were present when Chapman was honored as a "Hometown Hero."
Assistant Chief Jackie Chapman of the Batesville Fire Department was honored as a "Hometown Hero" on Friday at the local Unicel store.

Chapman, a 22-year veteran of the Batesville Fire Department, responded to an emergency dive/rescue call in May – 30 minutes prior to his daughter’s graduation.

"It couldn’t have happened at a worse time, but that kid’s parents were relying on me to do my job," Chapman said.

Chapman received a check in the amount of $250 for the department or any charity of his choice.

Hometown Heroes recognizes the efforts of firefighters and emergency personnel in Batesville and throughout Unicel’s South Region of Alabama, Kansas and Mississippi.

Panola Resident Recalls
     Final Days of Korean War

Though the battle known as the Korean Conflict ended more than 50 years ago, one of Batesville’s own remembers it well. He was there when the treaty was signed to end the war.

Troy N. Lambert, a retired member of the U.S. Army Aviation Corps, moved to Batesville in 1962- almost 10 years after the end of the Korean Conflict.

"Right before the Korean War, the Army and the Air Force split which left the Army with no aviation unit, so they founded the Army Aviation Corps," he said.

Lambert said while he did spend some of his time flying in combat, he spent the bulk of his service flying in important dignitaries and members of the press.

"They assigned us to the combat division, and we were supposed to stay for one year with six months being spent in combat," he said. "In just the first six month, our unit flew more than 120 combat missions."

Some of the engagements Lambert flew were Pork Chop and Old Maldi.

Following his combat assignment, Lambert was assigned to rear echelon flying and moved out of the combat zone.

"I was moved from the 2nd Infantry Division into the 8th Army Aviation Unit," he said. "That was a very prime assignment in Army Aviation."

Lambert said because of the people that unit would fly, he and his comrades would joke and say a one star general didn’t even get a salute.