Headlines – 2/8/2002

Published 12:00 am Friday, February 8, 2002

Panolian : February 8, 2002

February 8, 2002

Burglary suspect arrested

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BATESVILLE – Leroy Marsh, 36, of Teasdale Road, Enid, was arrested Monday, February 4, for allegedly burglarizing a home on Highway 315 South. The incident occurred on Friday, February 1. The home was being remodeled, Detective Craig Sheley said.

Deputies are seeking a West Memphis, Arkansas, man who allegedly assisted an Marsh in the burglary of a home in Panola County.

Request squeaks by supervisors
Staff Writer
SARDIS – A vote on a proposal to rename a portion of Hwy. 51 to "Robert L. ‘Bob’ Carter Memorial Highway" was called for sooner than some members would have liked.

Just a singin’ . . .

Batesville teenager Brittany Helmes will perform during the 22nd Annual March of Dimes Telethon. The event, which will be held at the Washington County Convention Center in Greenville, will be held Saturday, February 9, beginning at 7 p.m. and will continue through Sunday, February 10, ending at 4:30 PM. 

Photo By Karen Dunn

Citizens Police Academy
BATESVILLE – "The response to open enrollment for the Citizens Police Academy has been exceptional," says Col. Gerald Legge of the Batesville Police Department.  "We originally had 20 slots," Legge said, "and all but three or four have been filled for the February 26 class."

Plans finalized for club benefit

BATESVILLE – Plans have been finalized for the Steak and Steak dinner to benefit the Boys and Girls Club of Batesville and Panola County.  The event will be held Thursday, February 14, at 7 p.m. in the atrium at South Panola High School.

Final date to apply for assistance
The Panola County Farm Service Agency (FSA) would like to remind farm operators, owners, and producers of the following important dates to remember: 

–  February 8 is the final date to apply for conservation cost-share assistance through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP).
–  February 28 is the final date to purchase a crop insurance policy for a spring-seeded crop.
–  May 1 is the final date to file an acreage for 2002 crop wheat and oats.
–  May 31 is the final date to request a one-year contract extension for Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) contracts scheduled to expire September 30.
–  June 1 is the final date to request a reconstitution of your farm for any changes in farm ownership or operation.

For additional information on these or any other programs, contact the Panola County FSA Office at 578-8045 or 487-2651.

Early ID of disabled kids needed
The South Panola School District is participating in an ongoing statewide effort to identify, locate, and evaluate children birth through the age of 21 who have a physical, mental, communicative and/or emotional disability.

Contact Mary M. Bennett, Child Find Person for South Panola School District, if you know of any children who may have a disability, by calling or writing to her at the following phone number or address: 563-9361, 209 Boothe, Batesville, Miss. 38606.

Register for GED testing

BATESVILLE – The South Panola School District will be administering GED testing during the month of March.  The first orientation meeting will be held Monday, March 4, at 6 PM at the Parent Center.   GED testing will be held Tuesday, March 12, and Saturday, March 12, at 8 AM at the Technical Vocational Building, located next to South Panola High School.