Sardis car lots looking better – thanks, Newt!

Published 4:50 pm Wednesday, December 8, 2021

News from the North

By Kay Wolfe

We’ve got it going on north of the River.  

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The Como Community Club had it’s Christmas meeting at the Heflin House on Dec 1. President Dorothy Kearney-Wilbourn welcomed everyone and then called for a moment of silence to remember and honor the first and longest serving CCC Chaplain, Virginia Young who died recently. 

Geraldine Laughlin, Marjorie Hutchison, and Martha Frances Garrison each spoke briefly about what they remembered most about Virginia. Rev. Milton Whatley prayed and then reminded members and guests of Virginia’s memorial service at Como United Methodist Church. 

As dessert was being served, Beth Bailey gave the devotional in which she noted that our lives frequently go in directions that we never expected as was true for the Virgin Mary when she first learned that she would give birth to the Christ Child. 

As the meeting ended, everyone sang, “We wish You a Merry Christmas.” Chris Griffin reminded everyone of the Jan. 5 CCC meeting which will be led by the Warrior Disciples who operate a charitable Christian organization as well as the Fresh Garden Market restaurant on Highway 51 just north of Magnolia Heights School.

Adopt a Piece of Sardis is in full swing. Kudos to Newt Davis who has been cleaning up and sprucing up his used car lots in Sardis.  He’s working hard to make his lots more attractive. 

As I was picking up litter and trash on Dunlap Street behind his business, I had the opportunity to talk with Newt about the trash on Dunlap there. He had already informed his workers to pick up their trash and litter on both sides of Dunlap Street.  

May I suggest that ALL businesses on Main Street do the same both the front and back.  It took me exactly 30 minutes to pick up litter on Dunlap and Church Street and have a conversation with Newt. He has some good-looking cars. There’s no doubt that he pays his fair amount of taxes to Sardis.   

Willie Stokes and I have had over a dozen people to  say yes  to our inaugural project  – Adopt a Piece of Sardis.  They are helping by picking up trash and litter.  Those include Cedrick Clay, Linda Presley, Antonio Oliver, Bonnie Smith, Jeremy Jones, Chris Mack, John Reed, Reverend Ray Cross, Mary Ellen Joslin, Gracie Rogers, Betty Goodnight, and Brad, Josh, and baby Dulaney and Logann Boutwell.  

Major McCarty and the city workers have pledged to clean up East Lee Street. Willie and I are going to tackle the on and off ramps of Interstate 55 soon.  Coda Medlin, our Code Enforcement Officer, is at work

 and has cited several individuals and corporations for violations.

H.O.P.E. Mentoring, Rev. Terry Townsend, and the Whiteheads had an awareness walk on Dec. 4 in their efforts to reach the young people of Panola County..                                                                       

The December town board meeting was Dec. 7. These meetings are very interesting and have a full agenda.  Come and see what’s going on in your town.

I visited the Sardis Rotary Club Meeting today initially to see my brother, Roy Girner.  I had forgotten that the first Thursday is taco salad and banana pudding day.  Back to the car to get money.  Debbie Fletcher does such a good job with the food, especially on the first Thursday.  While talking during lunch about all the illnesses and deaths, I was reminded of the fragility of life. Praise God  from Whom All Blessings Flow

Stay safe, and I’ll see you next week. Live simply, laugh often, and love much.