There is a difference in being poor and being broke

Published 9:25 am Friday, October 8, 2021

Howdy, friends!

I watched a comedy special recently on Netflix starring Dave Chappelle. I enjoyed his old television show tremendously years ago and was a faithful viewer.

He is a very humorous individual because Dave don’t cull. He jokes about everything and everyone, himself included.

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I would not recommend to everyone to view his comedy specials. He is widely known for an abrasive sort of humor with language that will make your ears need to repent just for listening to him.

But, there is good in pretty much everything I have found and sometimes you have to look a little harder for it.

He tells a story about his childhood and how hard his parents worked at several jobs to take care of their family. He describes in great detail how his father would never let them turn up the heat in their home and how everyone had to stay fully clothed inside the house just to keep their teeth from chattering.

One day after begging his father to no avail to turn up the heat, a disgusted Dave screamed out “I’m sick of being poor!”

His father, being a patient man and a good dad, took his young son aside and explained to him, “Son, we are not poor. Don’t ever say that again. Being poor is a state of mind that some folks get in to and some never get out of it. What we are boy is broke. We have a money problem is all, but we are not poor.”

It was funny the way Dave told the story, but it was a great lesson he learned at a very young age and a good education for all of us.

Folks, I want to tell you about a Local Yokels Show we have already recorded and will be played this Saturday 9-11 a.m. on Undefined Radio and shown on Facebook Live.

Now, to get Undefined Radio you can log on to your computer at If you own a smartphone, you can download the free Undefined Radio App from your App store and listen in. To watch and hear the show you can go to our Facebook page, The Local Yokels Show, and view it. The page is open to everyone.

On this Saturday’s show we have special guests in studio with us:  The Pride of Pope, Casey Ray Lipe; Mr. Banker himself, Calvin Flint; and  Ricky Burkhead, Percussion Professor at Ole Miss.

Along with some of the best music you will hear anywhere, you will have the opportunity to find out how they got started with their music, their influences and their ups and downs along the way.

The story behind Calvin Flints first three guitars and the places he played as a teenager without his mother knowing about it will entertain you to no end.

Casey describes in color his SP and Ole Miss marching band days and the deal his Dad Ray Lipe made with a honkytonker for his first saxophone.

It was my first opportunity to be introduced to Ricky Burkhead and I was very impressed to meet such a talented and educated man.

He told of growing up in the Delta and all the great musicians he played with over the years. I learned he set the stage up at The Ford Center for Merle Haggard on the day I got to meet The Hag and spend some time with him. Just knowing that alone made me a Ricky Burkhead fan.

Friends, they played several songs for us that were all nothing short of spectacular. One in particular that struck me was the old tune by Bobbie Gentry “Ode to Billy Joe.”

There were no vocals as it was played strictly as an instrumental, but I will tell you this before you listen to the song and you can hear for yourself this Saturday, Casey Lipe made that saxophone sing the words of that song.

The show is part of our Story Teller series that we had started up before the Covid shut us all down. Hopefully in the future we can bring you more shows with our local artists as we had planned.

Folks take care of yourself and try to tune in to The Local Yokels Show this Saturday morning if you can. I’ll assure you that you will be glad you did.