Prayers for cities, state, nation on May 6

Published 1:00 pm Thursday, April 22, 2021

By Cynthia Todd

The National Day of Prayer is as old as I am. It became law in 1952, although they had the observance throughout the nation a year before it was passed. Critical times united people because of the desperation of a common need.  Survival.

When all is well, we are very good at depending upon self; however, when we are stretched, we become very uncomfortable. We have passed uncomfortable.

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No matter how we shake it or how we are shaken, this is not the season to do business with God the same way.  Prayer is not just a prelude or a closing. Prayer and the rhetoric of prayer has to become the meat in the sandwich.  We have been granted steak and not just quail.

Our delicacies have been abundant and we don’t talk much about fasting or the power of it. We know some folks did it in the Bible. Some do it today to stay humble and checked in their spirits and draw closer, hear better. It was a weapon then, it is now. All in His word is applicable. All He has given can disappear in a heartbeat. Nothing belongs to us anyway. Nothing will remain here anyway, just HIS WORD. HE is still a consuming fire.

Self will be removed. Ouch. We have witnessed how the globe was hit with this pandemic. The cross of Christ is greater and we have to admit we could have done things a tad bit better anyway.  Some will.  Some won’t.  It is like in the days of Noah.

Messengers are still challenged to remember that the afflictions through life are part of the  following, stretching, preparing, so the oil in our lamps will be plentiful.  For those being persecuted, they will not be found wanting “lacking”.  Bluntly, not all will like you.  Be strong anyway.  No one loves singing, dancing, fellowship and laughter more than I.

The enemy of our soul is desperate and trying to rob us of that.  NOPE.  I will sing louder, laugh harder and praise God for life while I have it here.  Two years since my husband’s surgery.  Even the doctors did not think he would live and for months their heads would drop when he hobbled back into the offices.  Prayers of the saints, good people.  I’ll take my chance at bat by shouting within my very bones—you ask how I know He lives; He lives within my heart.  Be part of our agenda this year.  Lack nothing On THAT Day.  Come.

You are invited to gather with this good spot in this good earth.  Gabbert Park.  May 6. High Noon. Sandwiches Penny’s Pantry. Pray no rain, but just in case, it will be at Baptist Church. Methodist are under construction. Time is 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m..

Speaker include:

Welcome and closing :  Cynthia Todd

Chip Grisham:  Pastor Mt Zion

Brittany May:  Save a Life

John Eubanks:  Journalist

Connie Burton:  Fitness 2000