City election slate growing

Published 4:47 pm Tuesday, January 26, 2021

The ballot is slowly growing for City of Batesville’s Municipal Election on June 8. Deadlines for candidates to return qualifying paperwork is next Friday, Feb. 5, at 5 p.m.

Party primaries will start the election cycle on April 6. Primary runoffs, if necessary, will be three weeks later on April 27.

Batesville City Clerk Susan Berryhill said as of Tuesday, Jan. 25, at noon, the following was reported by City Clerk Berryhill in regards to the coming election:

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Mayor Jerry Autrey has not returned his paperwork, but has said he intends to seek another term. His only opponent so far is Margaret Eubanks, who filed two weeks ago as a Republican.

In Ward 1, incumbent Bill Duggar will run on the Republican ticket, Billy Prince has filed to run on the Democratic side, and Whiz Whitaker will seek the office as an Independent candidate.

In Ward 2, incumbent Bobby Walton and former alderman Ted Stewart have both filed on the Democratic ticket.

There have been no papers returned from potential candidates in Wards 3, or for the alderman-at-large position, currently held by Teddy Morrow.

In Ward 4, incumbent Dennis Land will run on the Republican ticket for a second term.

A Municipal Election Commission (usually three people named by the sitting board) will review the paperwork for each candidate, and approve those who filed properly to be on the ballot. Democratic and Republican candidates are required to pay a $10 party fee.

Independent candidates pay no fee, but must submit a petition with the names of 50 registered voters in the ward (or city) in which they seek office.