MHP Initiates Home For The Holidays Traffic Safety Campaign

Published 11:19 am Monday, December 21, 2020

The Mississippi Highway Patrol will kick off the 2020 Christmas Travel Enforcement Period with the annual safety awareness initiative titled “Home for the Holidays.” The period begins Wednesday, Dec. 23, at 12:01 a.m. and will conclude Sunday, Dec. 27 at midnight.

“Troopers will be on the highways as a reminder for everyone to be aware of their driving habits,” said Colonel Randy Ginn, Director of MHP. “We’re asking everyone who will be in the driver’s seat to avoid cell phone distractions, make sure all occupants are restrained and obey the traffic laws while traveling.”

During the 2019 Christmas enforcement period, MHP investigated 116 crashes including 3 fatalities and made 39 D.U.I. arrests in the 3 day period. Drivers are encouraged to make sure their vehicle is in good working condition and they are well rested before getting behind the wheel. Due to the possibility of inclement weather across the state, driving conditions should be monitored as well.

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“Christmas is a special time to spend with family and friends. We can have a safe holiday period if we all work together,” said Colonel Ginn. “Our goal is to ensure that everyone makes it home for the holidays.”