Be sure to check labels when buying hand sanitizer

Published 11:47 am Friday, October 23, 2020

Mt. Olivet News

What a wonderful weekend we just had. I drove over the pumpkin patch just to walk around in the beautiful fresh air. I saw happy little children as young as two searching for the right free pumpkin.

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I saw Dwayne Ales as he was dropping off his Pigskin Picks contest entry at the newspaper last week. I asked him what about the Ales family seems to make him a winner pretty constant. He said it was because he studies the games a lot.

You can always count on Lonnie to have his whole yard aglow as it nears the Christmas season. I can be feeling a bit overwhelmed coming to town sometimes when I look over on the hill behind the Church of Christ on Hwy. 6, and I will receive a blessing. I think about the love and the number of hours that he must put into putting up, and then having to take down, all the decorations each Christmas season.

I received word that Billy Williams of the Cold Springs community is having trouble with his foot again. We want him to know that our prayers are with him during this trying time.

Mt. Olivet, Cold Springs, and Terza are on a circuit with Bro. Charles Reed as our pastor. Until this pandemic hit we would often have dinners together and we could always count on the Williams family and the Ales family to come and fellowship with us.

Be careful of hand sanitizer when purchasing locally. It should be at least 60 percent ethyl alcohol, preferably around 70 or 72 percent. I purchased a pretty little dispenser in a store here recently that had a label stating it was hand sanitizer, but the only ingredient listed was aloe vera.

I visited Laura Hamilton last week. She was my housekeeper for more than 45 years, and always had a good Southern supper waiting for us at night when we came home from work. While her son, George Hamilton, was working on my car, I sat on the porch and watched her two grandchildren play in the dirt.

They drew puppy dogs and smiley faces and pulled up grass for the hair. The little boy had a truck and he hauled dirt to make him a big hill. They were so happy. Meanwhile, there were three pre-teen and teenaged children in the house playing on their cell phones.

I thought how much more healthy and creative the smaller children were compared to their older siblings and cousins. They got the benefit of fresh air and sunshine, and a little dirt never hurt anybody.

Ponder this quote from John Wayne this week: “Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. It puts itself in your hopes we learned something from yesterday.” The actor was born in 1907 and died in 1979.

It’s time to print some of the good stories that readers always share about their favorite Thanksgiving and Christmas traditions, and recall the way holiday times were spent years ago. Call or text me at 901-828-8824 to share your story or favorite memory.