Panola County Justice Court (October 4, 2019)
Published 4:41 pm Monday, October 7, 2019
By Myra Bean
Judge Michael Wilson presided over Justice Court for District 1 on Tuesday, Oct. 1.
Jason Scates had an initial appearance for charges of stealing a laptop and accessories valued at $1,000, and for breaking and entering and burglary of a commercial building. He requested and received a court appointed attorney Kirk Willingham. His bond is $10,000 and he remains incarcerated.
Cory Radcliffe was denied release from jail after she was accused of domestic violence and violating a protection order in her attack against her aunt. In July she was charged with making obscene comments and threats by text messages. She violated her bond with condition. Her case was continued to Oct. 8.
Other Cases
Keith Cole pleaded guilty to speeding (106 in a 65) and no insurance and was fined $695.
Sammie Caldwell pleaded guilty to no insurance and was fined $417.
Juakim Blackburn pleaded guilty to careless driving and no seatbelt. He was fined $320.
Gregory Wayne Hill pleaded guilty to no insurance and was charged $417.
Joseph Pruett pleaded guilty to possession of marijuana and was fined $392.
Carlton Raynor pleaded guilty to possession of marijuana and was fined $392.
Continued Case
Shannon Bishop’s speeding case is continued to Nov. 15.
Jasmine Gatlin’s no insurance, expired tag and no driver’s license is continued to Nov. 19.
Shaquita Milam’s had her charges of improper parking,, no child restraint, no seatbelt, no insurance and speeding continued to Oct. 8.
Laderrick Caldwell cases of DUI and speeding were continued to Nov. 19.
William Walls’ no driver’s license and no insurance case will be heard Nov. 26.
Gabrielle Hughes’ two counts of speeding and no insurance were continued to Nov. 19.
Timika Kidd’s is charged with two counts of no insurance, driving while license suspended, tint law violation and speeding and the case will be heard Dec. 17.
Fentress Presley will have cases of DUI-second, driving while license suspended, no insurance, and speeding heard Oct. 8.
Ishakwran Rahleecoh Jolanti Verderosa had his DUI case continued to Nov. 19.
Kshatriayh Whitehead’s leaving the scene of an accident with no injuries charge was continued to Nov. 19.
Keelie Redwine had charges of DUI, no tag, no insurance and driving while license suspended continued to Nov. 19.
Alissa Wortham’s driving while license suspended, no insurance, no seatbelt and no insurance charges will be heard Dec. 17.
Married couple Antoine Jones and Tiffany Webb will have their simple assault-domestic violence cases continued to Dec. 17.
Jessica Radford’s simple assault-domestic violence case was continued to Dec. 17.
Kathy Carothers’ simple assault-domestic violence case was Continued to Nov. 26.
Gwendolyn Joiner’s disorderly conduct case was continued to Nov. 19.
Jeterria Draper’s assault on a minor charge was continued to Nov. 19.
Shannon Latrice Leach had her speeding and possession of paraphernalia charges continued to Dec. 19.
Bobby Golden will have his no insurance, driving while license suspended and failure to move over case heard Dec. 17.
Patrick Johnson appeared in court with his lawyer, pled not guilty and had his simple assault and threatening phone call cases continued to Nov. 19. The case to issue a protective order was also continued to Nov. 19.
Otis Sanders, Lauren McClain and Alexander Roberts all had their cases continued to Nov. 19.
Did not appear
Harold Avant did not appear for driving on the wrong side and no seat belt.
Shunessy Bishop did not appear for no seatbelt and no insurance charges.
Randall Towns is charged with DUI and no driver’s license.
Jamaria Hunter is charged with speeding, tint law violation and no tag.
Litisha Boothe did not show for a DUI charge and her bonding company was notified.
Terry Patterson has charges of possession of marijuana, driving while license suspended and careless driving.
Mardrekis Porter is charged with simple assault.
Angelina Roden is charged with simple assault.
Tirisha Lewis did not show for her DUI case and her bond company was notified.
Jennifer Walker did not show for her possession case and her bond company was notified.