Published 4:45 pm Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Dr. Clifton’s latest book debuts at The Place

“Little ‘e’—around and across; ‘s’—around and down; ‘t’—like Jesus’ cross; ‘o’—like a circle; ‘n’—like a hump.’”

Batesville Middle School teacher Staci Toole, mom to four-year-old Weston, whispers directions to her pre-K son as he prints his name, but Weston is not practicing printing his name for his pre-K class.

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Weston was guest of honor at his first book signing for a book bearing his name and picture on the cover, and the little bull rider insisted on personally autographing each of more than one hundred books sold at The Place at Pope on Aug. 17, although he was just learning to write his name.

WESTON! CHAMPION BULL RIDER! is written by Dr. Sue Clifton and illustrated by Crystal Selby. “Goin’ 90, Chase Outlaw! Spur him on, JB Mooney!” Four-year-old Weston talks to his imaginary playmates, PBR heroes, every day while playing at his country home, the perfect playground for any little cowboy.

Weston rides his pony Taco through pretend mountains, takes lessons on a mechanical bull, and rides his real miniature bull Tank! Who would ever think this little cowboy began life at just two pounds?

“Weston was our miracle baby! Our staff at BMS prayed hard for this little cowboy to make it four years ago,” Niki Burchfield, team teacher with Staci, became emotional telling about Weston’s birth and long stay in the hospital before being able to go home with parents Raymond and Staci Toole.

Staci also had to spend weeks in the hospital before giving birth to two-pound Weston.

Burchfield was the one who first suggested to her mother, author Dr. Clifton, how Weston’s story of survival as a tiny preemie, coupled with bull riding, would make a fantastic children’s book.

“He knows exactly how bull riders look including the way they move, and he plays to the audience mimicking professional bull riders after dismounting the bull – the backwards walk with finger held high.” Burchfield said.  “Just look at him now! Cutest little cowboy ever and full of himself!”

“Weston makes me smile; he stole my heart the first day I met him at his home in Tallahatchie County for a photo shoot with professional photographer Kelly D. Paris” Dr. Clifton said. “I knew this would be my favorite book to write, and Crystal Selby’s illustrations captured Weston’s outgoing, fun personality perfectly.”

Weston’s mom describes her little cowboy perfectly in one line, “He’s a mess!”

Weston’s trainer Justin Dickerson, CEO/Owner of Buckwild Bucking Stock, told Dr. Clifton at the book signing, “Weston has natural talent as a bull rider and as an athlete in general; this little cowboy amazes me with what he knows about bull riding – more than any little cowboy I’ve ever known.”

Weston’s book signing was a major success with all 100 plus books sold and signed, including many ordered through Amazon. WESTON! CHAMPION BULL RIDER! is available for purchase on amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com, and other third party distributors and made Amazon’s Top 100 Best Seller’s List several times (Category: Farm Life) after its release on Amazon in July.

Readers can see Weston in action in the trailer for his book at: https://vimeo.com/356029123).