Sharing and caring – thankful for friends

Published 12:05 pm Friday, April 19, 2019

By Sherry Hopkins

Community Columnist

Winter is having a tough time letting go this year. Perhaps it is disappointed that it did not make us keep inside faucets running to stop freezing  pipes or maybe it is unsatisfied that it came in like a whisper and we scarcely knew it was here. Whatever, it is now second guessing itself.

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And Spring is fighting mighty hard to be noticed. In between all the lightning storms and high winds we have enjoyed the timeless beauty of all that nature presents this time of year.

We don’t mind the storms so much. We settle in on the screened porch and listen to the rain beating down on the metal roof. We watch birds scramble for cover and the feral cats running  away, anywhere, somewhere dry.

We have a new addition to our bird watching. The Red Shouldered Hawk found a mate last fall and they have hatched a young bird. It is ready to leave the nest and both mama and daddy hawk are teaching it to fly. It is a sight to behold.

I am blessed to have an abundance of praying, caring and sharing friends in my life.

Hardly a day goes by without the offer of something. One of my longtime friends has a yard that rivals that of a Master Gardeners. She has so many native and unusual things growing in her large yard and she is always more than willing to share.

Last week as we were finishing up our new garden, I needed another Baby’s Breath to fill in an empty corner. I also had lost the rosebush I grew from a cutting in February and needed something to fill in that spot as well. So I asked my friend and she said come anytime and get what you  want. I took two Baby’s Breath, a Peony, a Flowering Ginger and a Mock Orange/English Dogwood.

I got them all home and quickly got them back in the ground and everything looks good. The Hosta’s I separated and replanted, 12 in all, have tripled in size.  Later this week I am hoping to get my tomatoes in the troughs. Things are good and looking better. Dear Don has gotten some color and seems to feel better after the past 2 ½ months of isolation.

Back to caring and sharing friends. Another friend keeps me in current magazines and books. I am always thankful that she thinks of me. She is very quiet and unassuming in leaving her gifts. She usually just drops a bag at the door sometime during the early evening hours. A nice surprise to wake up to!

A couple gave us a big bag full of dried gourds. Can’t wait to get crafting on those. They look to hold all kind of possibilities.

And we recently met up with a friend who has blessed us beyond measure. She doesn’t want to recognized but you know who you are and I hope you enjoy the birdhouse. Thank you so much for all you do.

Also my Uncle and Aunt here at the Point are always so willing to share and love and support. They bring the Memphis paper down each day or so for me to read and always have great books to share too. Week before last they gave us two boxes of frozen breakfast sandwiches to enjoy. And we did.

They often bring a rotisserie chicken from Sam’s club when they shop there. My yard has many plantings that they have shared. All of these and more keep us covered in love and prayers. God is hearing those prayers and we feel the love.

My sage saying from my girls this week is the following; While studying the Crucifixion Sunday night my youngest (7) leaned in so seriously and stated, “Jesus carried himself to his own death. Yes, he did,” I replied. Her perception is beyond that of a lot of adults I know.

Stay tuned