Blast from the Past (February 15th, 2019)

Published 12:52 pm Monday, February 18, 2019

In the 1990s — 20 years ago

“Quake shakes southern Panola County,” the Feb. 26, 1999 edition stated.

“An earthquake measuring 2.6 on the Richter scale shook the southern portion of Panola County Wednesday evening, Feb. 24,” according to the story. Report of the tremor came from an area approximately five miles from northwest to southeast included the towns of Pope and Courtland.

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The tremors were believed to have been caused by the White River Fault Zone which extends to Panola County and was responsible for the largest earthquake recorded in Mississippi. That epicenter of that earthquake was near Charleston in 1931 and registered 4.7 on the Richter Scale.

In the 1980s — 30 years ago

“The first of two public meetings concerning the proposed county jail indicated that law enforcement officials are behind the issue wholeheartedly,” the March 1, 1989 edition report.

“Panola County Supervisors this week are advertising their intention to issue $3.85 million in bonds for the purpose of erecting a new jail facility.” …

“Sheriff David Bryan told the audience that Monday morning 28 persons were locked down in the 24-man unit presently used by the county and stated, ‘I don’t have one cell tonight if someone is arrested for DUI.’”

In the 1970s — 40 years ago

“Vaccination tags in the ears of several animals stolen from the Bill Dugger farm on Highway 35 at I-55 led to the recovery of the money obtained from their sale in Illinois, Sheriff David Bryan said this week.”

“The continuing problem with cattle theft has prompted local law enforcement to call for closer enforcement of Mississippi’s strict laws governing transportation of livestock.”

In the 1960s — 50 years ago

Crowder native Staff Sergeant Freddie C. Faulkner was awarded the Silver Star “for heroic actions on April 13, 1968, while serving with Company A, 2nd Battalion, 22nd Infantry, in Vietnam, the Feb. 27, 1969 edition reported.

“While conducting a combat operation, his unit was called to aid a friendly force in contact with an enemy force … entrenched in a row of well fortified bunkers. Sergeant Faulkner located one of the key enemy positions to his front and immediately took it under fire with his 90 millimeter recoilless rifle, completely destroying the enemy emplacement.

Continuing to expose himself to the intense enemy fire, he began to crawl toward another Viet Cong position. With complete disregard for his own personal safety he continued forward, until the enemy crossfire forced him to pull back.”

In the 1950s — 60 years ago

“Heroic 7-Year Old Saves Four Sisters, But Family Loses All,” the headline of the Feb. 26, 1959 edition states.

The account that followed told the story of J.T. Wilburn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Lee Wilburn, who was watching his four sisters inside their home in the Cold Springs community while his parents and older brothers were clearing a garden spot outside the home.

Detecting fire in the home’s attic, Wilburn “picked up his three-year-old sister with his right arm and caught the hand of one of the 4-year-old twins and proceeded out-of-doors.

The youngster re-entered the smoke-filled home and led the second twin to safety before returning a second time for the two-year-old. “He couldn’t see because the dense smoke made it impossible. He knew where the crib was located, it couldn’t be seen. At that moment the baby began to cry as she inhaled the laden air. By following the sounds of the crying, choking baby, J. T. was able to feel his way to the crib,” the story continued. He had rescued the baby by the time the rest of the family became aware of the fire and rushed to the house to find them “in the wagon under a tree.”