SPHS band praised by Wilder; board agrees to new uniforms

Published 10:09 am Tuesday, November 21, 2017

SPHS band praised by Wilder; board agrees to new uniforms

By Rupert Howell
South Panola High School Band will be getting new uniforms as trustees tentatively agreed to assist with funding to defray the difference in the $30,000 raised by Band Boosters and the actual cost to suit up the 180-member band following a request from Superintendent Tim Wilder.
Although trustees took no action, Wilder said he would bring the request back with more details at a later meeting.
Wilder took time to commend the band and leadership noting there were only 80 members five years ago and then described the recent performance during Veterans’ Day in the school gymnasium.
Trustee board President Sandra Darby said, “The band has gotten to be what it used to be years and years ago.”
“Band boosters have raised a tremendous amount of money. I’m going to ask you to help by partnering with the booster club . . . The average life of band uniforms is about 10 years. We are in our 12th year,” Wilder explained.
The district financial director reminded trustees that it was the time of year when coffers get low as local funding from ad valorem taxes won’t begin to enter the school’s checking account until after the first of the year when taxes are due. But he assured them there was enough to meet all obligations.
Financial Director David Rubenstein also mentioned the $900,000 donation by Cooperative Energy last month is an extra cushion for the district’s fund balance.
That company has annually made a large donation to the school district and Panola County as a goodwill gesture. The power cooperative is not legally bound to pay county ad valorem taxes.
Trustees went into executive session to discuss the purchase of property and a personnel issue.
While in the closed door session trustees authorized the superintendent to acquire appraisals on property being discussed with no action was taken on the personnel issue according their attorney Ryan Revere.
Last month in a closed door session trustees approved a Mutual Release and Settlement Agreement by and between the District and Murphy & Sons, Inc., a the company that built Batesville Elementary School. Details of the settlement were not included in the minutes although a copy is on file at the Superintendent’s Office,
Trustees wil meet early next month on December 12 at 6 p.m. due to the Christmas Holiday falling in the regularly scheduled week of the meeting.

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