Panolian launches online Sports Roundtable
Published 10:04 am Friday, May 19, 2017
- The Panolian sports writer presenting Sports Roundtable include (front, l. to r.) Ike House, Brad Greer; and (back) Myra Bean. The Panolian photo by Margaret Buntin
Panolian launches online Sports Roundtable

The Panolian sports writer presenting Sports Roundtable include (front, l. to r.) Ike House, Brad Greer; and (back) Myra Bean.
The Panolian photo by Margaret Buntin
Commentary By Myra Bean
I am proud to announce The Panolian sports department has launched the Sports Roundtable.
The online only videos can be seen at and on various Facebook faces.
Brad Greer, De’Issac “Ike” House and I tackle up-to-date issues dealing with what is happening in the sports world. The first few have dealt with the South Panola football spring game, but more are coming to cover all sports topics.
Future plans include seeing what the high school teams are doing in the summer and getting a look at what the community parks have on hand.
A video featuring Amanda Ivy of the Mississippi State softball team is planned.
We are still in the initial stages of doing something new but hopefully, we will be able to get some interviews with local athletes and coaches shot “on location.”
If you have any ideas of what may be a good issue to address by the Roundtable, e-mail