Sheriff Report: Resident arrives home to find room desecrated
Published 10:28 am Friday, May 12, 2017
Sheriff Report: Resident arrives home to find room desecrated
By Ashley Crutcher
Deer Creek Road resident arrived home on April 28 to find some of her personal belongings had been moved around her residence. According to the report, several pictures and picture frames were missing from the living room and later found broken underneath her bed.
The resident reported to Deputy Hunter Lawrence she continued to inspect the home for further damage or missing items and discovered the back door had been tampered with and opened. The resident found what appeared to be feces in her bedroom. The incident is under further investigation.
Deputy Jeremy Hailey spoke to a Woodruff Road resident who stated her cousin ran over her husband.
According to the report, the resident and suspect got into a verbal altercation regarding something on Facebook. The husband stepped in and asked the suspect to leave when the altercation became physical.
According to the report, the husband and suspect began hitting each other as the suspect struck the husband with a brick and then her Pontiac Sedan. Detective Bryan Arnold will continue the investigation.
Green Briar Circle resident reported to Deputy Maurice Market an unknown subject entered her residence and stole an Xbox, DVR and money. Witnesses reported seeing three men running from the residence and get into a silver 2003 Alero.
According to the report, Deputy Market spoke with the driver of the vehicle who consented to a search where the cover to the DVR was located. The suspect was arrested and transported to the Panola County Jail.
A 15-year-old left his Sardis home without permission. The Panola County Sheriff’s Office received 41 calls, which required service from Sheriff Deputies from April 24 to May 5.
April 24
• Deputy Lawrence spoke to a Gin Road resident who stated he returned home to find the back window of his door had been busted out. Nothing was reported missing.
• Deputy Lawrence was dispatched to Merit Health for a report of a dog bite. According to the report, the victim was attacked by two pit bulls that bit her left leg and broke the skin.
April 25
• Mt. Olivet Rd., Courtland resident reported to Deputy Britton Crawford someone broke into his home and stole approximately $2,450.
• Deputy Lawrence responded to Merit Health where the victim reported getting into an altercation with her boyfriend. According to the report, the suspect struck the victim on her cheek and choked her until she urinated on herself and continued to hit her head against the inside of the car door.
April 28
• Investigator Bryan Arnold spoke to 84-year-old man who reported his son mistreats him and calls him a “stupid a**hole”.
According to the report, the victim’s son cashes the victim’s retirement check and gives him $20 every two to three months. The Miss. Dept. of Human Services Elder Abuse and Neglect has been notified of the incident.
• Harris Rd., Sardis resident reported to Lieutenant Darius Smith her husband was trying to take her medication and struck her, then refused to give her back her medication. The suspect was arrested and charged with simple domestic violence.
According to the report, the resident had bruises on her body that appeared to be old. The resident refused medical treatment and advised she did not want to press charges, according to the report.
• Deputy Maurice Market responded to Chapel Town Rd. in response to a disturbance. The resident reported her boyfriend hit her in the face and refused to leave her residence. According to the report, the suspect started whooping her child after she told him not to.
• Investigator Danny Beavers spoke to the driver of a green 2003 Honda Accord who reported she was driving on Mt. Olivet Rd. when a tree limb fell and hit the front of her vehicle causing damage to the left front.
• Belmont Rd., Sardis resident reported to Lieutenant Emily Griffin her boyfriend broke her phone during an argument when she confronted him about not working or supporting his family.
According to the report, the resident stated the suspect told her he wished she and her unborn child would die and threatened to kick her in the stomach.
The resident advised Lieutenant Griffin she threw all of his clothes and belongings out of her apartment and cut them up with a knife.
• Deputy Lawrence spoke to a Henderson Rd. resident who stated she arrived at the Sheriff’s Department to pick up her boyfriend’s son. The Sheriff’s Department is the court appointed area where the parents were advised to meet each week. According to the report, the father has joint custody along with the mother.
The resident stated when she met with the mother to pick up the child the mother told her to come get the child from Sardis. The resident advised the mother drove off with the child and would not return any phone calls.
April 29
• Sarah Dickens Rd., Sardis resident reported to Deputy Steven McLarty her son was kidnapped. According to the report, she and the suspect had a long relationship where the suspect and her son grew close.
The suspect wanted to put the child in private school and the resident agreed and allowed her son to live with the suspect for a year and six months.
According to the report, the resident found out her son was failing and the suspect refused to allow the resident to see her son. The resident advised she was able to get her son back but stated the suspect came to her home and took the child.
The suspect was located at his residence in Cordova by Memphis Police. The suspect was taken into custody.
• Fowler Rd., Courtland resident reported to Deputy Britton Crawford her husband became mad and when she attempted to leave he blocked her into the bathroom and kept arguing with her. According to the report, the suspect then left and took the children with him.
• Deputy Tripp Williams was dispatched to Curtis Rd. in reference to a female being chased by an ex-boyfriend. Upon arrival, the victim reported her ex-boyfriend was chasing her and shooting into the air.
According to the report, the suspect saw her at a residence in Crenshaw and pulled a nine-millimeter from his car and told her to go. According to the report, the victim left only to find the suspect waiting on her on Pride Rd. when he began following her.
• Hickory Ln., Sardis resident reported to Deputy Britton Crawford he swapped trucks with the suspect and attempted to get his truck back but stated now he can’t get it back.
• Deputy Crawford was dispatched to Mimosa St., Sardis where the resident reported she and her sister have been arguing about a shed that belonged to the resident.
According to the report, the resident had the proper paperwork and was moving the shed from her sister’s property to her mother’s home.
According to the report, the sister advised Deputy Crawford she wanted to press charges for trespassing.
April 30
• Forrest Dr., Sardis resident reported to Deputy Crawford she was catching a ride home with the suspect who attempted to take the resident to his home.
According to the report, the resident attempted to exit the vehicle and was struck in the nose by the suspect. The suspect took the resident to his home where her boyfriend came and got her.
• Deputy McLarty spoke to an Al Johnson Rd. resident who reported his green Kawasaki four-wheeler and black single axle trailer was stolen.
• Bethleham Rd. resident reported to Deputy George Renfroe the father of her child left her a voicemail threatening to come to her job and shoot her in the face.
• Deputy Lawrence responded to Hwy. 6 West for a report of property damage.
According to the report, the driver stated he was traveling south on Macedonia Rd. near Hwy. 6 when a rock fell off of a gold semi-truck and broke his front windshield.
• Deputy Renfroe was contacted by Lieutenant Ruby Myers in reference to a child being reported missing. According to the report, the child was located at a residence and dispatch advised the suspect could remain at the residence with the adopted parents. The child had been located previously and returned home but the report on the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) had never been lifted.
May 1
• Deputy Crawford responded to Sardis Lake Dr. where the victim reported she had been assaulted and wanted a Deputy present so that she could retrieve her belongings.
According to the report, the victim advised her stepson caused a confrontation and attempted to make her leave and as she turned around to leave she was pushed.
• Hwy. 51, Courtland resident reported to Deputy Darryl House her boyfriend took her cell phone from her and hit her in the head with it.
May 2
• Hwy. 315, Sardis resident called the Sheriff’s Office and stated that he killed himself with a butcher knife and stabbed himself in the heart. Upon arrival, Deputy Jeremy Hailey noticed a white male laying in the floor. Deputy Hailey and Deputy Market kicked the door open.
• Deputy Bill Furniss responded to Nash Rd. for a report of an attempted burglary. The resident advised he heard something at his back door and thought it was an animal.
The resident stated he turned off his heater so he could hear better and realized someone was attempting to get into his back door.
According to the report, when he opened the door the suspect ran away. The resident stated he shot several times in the air as the suspect fled.
May 3
• Deputy Williams spoke to an individual who reported her 13-year-old daughter advised she was sexually assaulted by her uncle on two separate occasions. The investigation is ongoing.
• Deputy McLarty responded to dollar General in Pope for a shoplifting. According to the report, a male and female entered the store and the male loaded a small yellow basket with merchandise and ran out of the story. Deputy McLarty observed the video and advised the store officials to burn a copy and provide it to the Sheriff’s Department.
• Will Stewart Rd. resident reported to Deputy Market she arrived home and noticed her back door had been kicked in and an Xbox was stolen.
• Chapel Hill Rd., Pope resident reported to Deputy Hailey she checked her Regions Bank account and noticed her account was empty and advised she should have $603 in her account.
• Deputy McLarty spoke to a Brewer Rd. resident who reported his 1991 Ford Ranger was parked on Pope Crowder Rd. According to the report, the truck belonged to the resident’s father who passed away and left the truck to the resident’s son. The resident stated an individual stated he had the title to the vehicle and took it. The resident advised she has already filed for a lost title and was told to file charges, if she wanted, when the title comes in.
May 4
• Deputy Williams responded to a possible overdose where the victim stated, “I took a bunch of pills and want to die”. The victim reported taking 15 Ativan and 10 Tylenol with Codeine. MedStat responded and transported the victim to Merit Health Emergency Room.
• Willow Rd., Sardis resident reported to Deputy McLarty his 1968 Dodge Ram was parked in his yard and when he came out he noticed both door windows were busted out.
• Shiloh Rd., Courtland resident reported to Deputy Lawrence she noticed her mailbox was damaged. According to the report, the resident found her mail laying across the street from her residence.
• Willow Rd., Sardis resident reported to Investigator Beavers her nephew lost his prescriptions and advised he will not be allowed back in school until he has his medicine.
May 5
• Old Panola Rd., Como resident reported to Deputy John Still the suspect continually comes to her residence and disturbs the peace and threatens her and her family.
• Deputy Willie Harris spoke to a Central Academy Rd. resident who reported giving an individual $1,800 to begin working on her pool. According to the report, the suspect sent several text messages with excuses. The resident advised she saw the suspect on the news after he was arrested for home repair fraud. The resident stated she feels as though she is a victim of fraud and wants her deposit back.
Motor Vehicle Accident Report
• April 30, vehicle dodged another vehicle and ran into a ditch on Pope Water Valley Road.
• May 2, vehicle lost control and hit an embankment on Hunter Chapel Road.