NP goes 1-1 with Palmer
Published 10:09 am Tuesday, January 31, 2017
- North Panola girls took on M. S. Palmer Dragons Friday night. Lady Cougar Monique Burnett (left) eyes the goal to score against a Lady Dragon. The Panolian photo by Ike House
NP goes 1-1 with Palmer

North Panola girls took on M. S. Palmer Dragons Friday night. Lady Cougar Monique Burnett (left) eyes the goal to score against a Lady Dragon.
The Panolian photo by Ike House
By Ike House
North Panola could not come out with a clean sweep on the series against M.S. Palmer as the Cougars went 1-1 Friday night. The first game of night was won by Lady Cougars, 67-49.
The game was entirely dominated by the Lady Cougars. The Cougars were up 23-9 in the first quarter and did not let up from there, going into the half up 41-29.
Most of that came from junior Kenya Edwards who had 13 point in the first half.
However, the Lady Cougars got to play a lot of young players as well.
Leading the Lady Cougars was Edwards with 15 points. Other scorers were Qui’Tonya Webster with 14 points; Monique Burnette and Shan Clark with eight points each; Leah Shorty and Jasmine Mays with seven; Paige Ward with six points and Shakevia Lovebrry with one point.
Palmer (boys) 45, NP 41
The North Panola boys did not play up their potential and ended up slowing the game to play to Palmer’s tempo which hurt them in the 45-41 loss.
Both the Cougars and Dragons came out slow as the Dragons led to 14-11. In the fourth quarter the game was close with the Cougars down by three.
In an attempt to come back, the Cougars were hit with a controversial charge call which put the Dragons at the line. With a successful free throw the game was put out of reach.
Leading the Cougars was Jamarcus Jones with 11 points.
Other scorers were Kenneth Jefferson with eight; Darrell Young with seven; Sylvonta Oliver with six; Mario Fenner Jr. with four; Jordan Dandridge with three and Vennis Mills with two points.
North Panola has a make up game tonight hosting Lafayette. Friday, they host Rosa Fort. Next Monday, the Cougars host Water Valley. Games tip off at 6 p.m.