Sheriff Report: Shooting victim taken to Memphis hospital

Published 9:43 am Friday, January 20, 2017

Sheriff Report: Shooting victim taken to Memphis hospital

By Ashley Crutcher
Deputy Josh Griffin was called to North Oak Medical Center in Senatobia on the afternoon of January 11 where a man was reportedly shot in his left knee at his wife’s residence in Como.
According to the report, the suspect arrived at the residence on Birge Rd., Como and began “talking crazy” and fired two shots, with one striking the victim in the left leg.
“I was asleep when (the suspect) came in and shot two times. After I was shot in the leg, I went to get out of the house he struck me in the back of my head with a .22 caliber handgun,” reported the victim.
The victim was transported to a Memphis hospital, according to the report. Deputy Griffin along with other deputies attempted to locate the suspect but were unable to make contact.
The bus driver reported to Deputy Britton Crawford on January 11 an individual driving a blue Dodge car was driving dangerously and placing the children in danger.
According to the report, the suspect has passed the bus while loading and unloading, has forced the bus off the road and has caused the driver to fear for the safety of the children.
The Panola County Sheriff’s Department received 52 calls for service from January 4 through January 13 which requested assistance from Panola County Deputies.
Wednesday, January 4
• Highway 315, Sardis resident reported to Investigator Terry Smith she lived at the residence with her fiance and his parents until her fiance’s mother passed away in September of 2015.
According to the report, one year later the resident returned to the residence and noticed someone had been through the home, tore things up and stole a flute which was worth approximately $1,200.
According to the report, the resident was notified that insurance would pay to replace the items.
• Deputy John Still investigated a domestic violence disturbance on Woodruff Road where the resident reported she and her husband have separated and he has moved out. According to the report, the resident stated her husband continuously drives by the home and has threatened her life.
• Pope Water Valley Road, Water Valley resident reported to Deputy Tripp Williams she received a letter in the mail from Chase Bank regarding opening a credit card account.
According to the report, the resident stated she did not apply for the credit card and asked Chase Bank to cancel the application in her name.
• Grant Road resident reported to Deputy Harold Lewis her daughter noticed some boxes missing from the shed. According to the report, the resident reported the boxes were priceless because they were packed with her deceased husband’s clothing.
• Tom Floyd Road, Como resident reported to Deputy Darryl House an individual came to her residence and kicked her front door open because the resident’s granddaughter was in the home talking to a classmate.
According to the report, the suspect got mad and kicked the door in because his girlfriend, the resident’s granddaughter, would not open the door.
• Deputy Bill Furniss responded to Phelp’s Road and spoke to the resident who reported her ex-boyfriend keeps texting and calling her and her children’s phone to harass them.
According to the report, he has been asked to leave them alone several times and refuses to stop.
Thursday, January 5
• Carlise Road, Courtland resident reported to Deputy House her Ford Taurus was parked in her yard when the suspect came into her yard and rammed her vehicle with his truck.
• Baker Road resident reported to Deputy Lewis her daughter has been abusing her grandson and making threatening phone calls towards her. According to the report, the stepfather came to the Sheriff’s office and advised the boy was at his grandmother’s house without permission and he needed a Deputy to pick him up.
The child was transported back to the Sheriff’s Office and was released to his stepfather. According to the report, Deputy Lewis witnessed a telephone call from the suspect to the resident and heard the suspect tell the resident to die.
Friday, January 6
• Deputy Crawford spoke to a Highway 310 East, Como resident who stated he noticed his shot gun was missing. According to the report, the resident noticed it missing around New Years, but wanted to make sure he hadn’t misplaced it before filing a report.
• Hughes Road, Courtland resident reported to Investigator Danny Beavers an ex-girlfriend entered the residence and took the resident’s wallet, credit card, two debit cards and $400 in cash.
• Rachel Lane resident reported to Investigator Beavers someone broke into the residence and stole a pair of Ugg boots, 2 Ipad minis, Beats headphones, Apple watch, Ipad Air and an Ipad Pro. According to the report, there are no suspects at this time.
Saturday, January 7
• Deputy Crawford was advised by Chief Deputy Chris Franklin to assist a Tocowa Road, Courtland resident on locating a wood splitter that had been taken from his home.
The resident reported the suspect borrowed the item and never returned it. According to the report, the wood splitter was discovered on Anthony Road with the assistance of the suspect’s father. The item was returned to the owner.
Sunday, January 8
• Heafner Road resident reported to Deputy Steven McLarty he arrived home and noticed the door to his grandmother’s bedroom was broken and some items were missing. According to the report, the bedroom door was damaged, but there were no signs of forced entry into the home.
• Woodruff Road resident reported a burglary to Deputy Maurice Market. According to the report, the resident stated someone entered her residence through the front door, but nothing seems to be missing.
• Deputy Crawford responded to an attempted breaking and entering on Heafner Road. According to the report, the resident stated she noticed the door had pry marks on the front door.
• Deputy Hunter Lawrence investigated an attempted breaking and entering on Eureka Road, Courtland. According to the report, the resident stated she noticed a window at the back of her home had been tampered with.
• Highway 35 North resident reported to Deputy Crawford the wife of an ex-boyfriend continuously sends harassing texts and comes by the residence. According to the report, the resident stated ever since she has had her baby the suspect has been wanting to fight.
• Deputy Steven McLarty responded to Connie Ross Road where an individual reported his RV was parked and reported someone damaged the inside of the vehicle.
Monday, January 9
• Hadorn Road resident reported to Deputy Lawrence she noticed a bullet hole on the front window of her residence. According to the report, the resident has no knowledge of when the bullet hit her residence.
• West Pearl, Sardis resident reported to Deputy Still a 36” solar LED stop sign was stolen from the intersection of Old Panola and Curtis Road.
• Deputy Still spoke to a Hardy Road, Courtland resident who stated he was contacted by a female in San Francisco and another in Pennsylvania.
According to the report, these subjects stated they received two checks in the mail in his company’s name in the amount of $1,690 and $1,840. The resident stated he has no knowledge or affiliation with the checks or the writer of the checks.
Tuesday, January 10
• Deputy Still spoke to a Senatobia resident who reported he had a flat tire on his way to work and stated he locked the vehicle and continued to work. According to the report, when he returned to get the vehicle the window was broken out and the battery and Farenheit CD/Stereo had been taken.
Wednesday, January 11
• First Security Bank reported to Investigator Bryan Arnold they believe one of their customers was a victim of elder abuse and that someone was taking money from them fraudulently.
According to the report, the customer’s grandson was cashing checks on his grandfather’s account and had withdrawn money from the account on one occasion and had tried and been denied on several others. Investigator Arnold spoke to the victim who reported he suspected someone had been taking money from his account.
He stated his wallet was stolen and he thought his grandson was doing something. According to the report. the grandson had been living with the victim until recently.
• Cheryl Drive, Pope resident reported to Investigator Arnold his home had been burglarized. According to the report, the resident reported to be missing an Xbox 360, .38, $15 in change, two Ruger pistols and PS4 with controllers.
• Deputy McLarty responded to Jimmy Jones Trailer Park, Como where a resident reported he returned home and noticed his door was unlocked. According to the report, the resident observed his flat screen TV missing.
Thursday, January 12
• Deputy Emily Griffin responded to a domestic violence disturbance on Ballentine Road and spoke with the resident who reported as she was driving down Keating Road and individual began to follow her.
According to the report, the resident stated the individual passed her and slammed on his brakes in front of her and she had to swerve onto the shoulder to keep from running into his vehicle. The resident stated she pleaded with the suspect to stop behaving this way in front of her children.
According to the report, the suspect then pointed a flash light and what appeared to be a handgun at her and demanded she stop and pull over. The resident stated she stopped her vehicle but the suspect continued north.
• Brown Road, Pope resident reported to Deputy Lawrence she took her two year old son to see the suspect. According to the report,  the suspect thought the son said he was a bad dad and threw the resident against the wall and out of the back door.
The resident stated the suspect grabbed her by the neck. According to the report, the suspect’s father held his son long enough for the resident and her child to leave. The resident reported later that evening the suspect chased her and her son into town.
According to the report, the resident called 911 and eventually made it to Batesville Police Department.
• Deputy Mike Davis spoke to a New York resident who reported an individual working with the Sardis Lake Cabins on Henry Heafner Road made threats towards him. According to the report, the individual has also been making threats towards the resident on social media.
The resident was advised to sign an affidavit against the suspect for simple assault by way of verbal threats.
• Deputy Lawrence responded to Bishop Road for a disturbance where an individual was causing problems. According to the report, the suspect is no longer welcome at the residence.
• Fudgetown Road, Sardis resident reported she and her family got into an argtument over a Facebook post. According to the report, the resident stated she was standing on Fudgetown Road when her and another family member started fighting. Deputy McLarty advised the resident to go to Justice Court if she wanted to file charges.
• Deputy Lawrence responded to the river bridge on Old Panola Road for a report of malicious mischief. According to the report, the driver who reported the incident stated he went to turn around to ask the suspect if he needed a ride when he saw the suspect jump off the bridge.
• Cliff Finch Road resident reported to Deputy Market her boyfriend took her vehicle and playstation. According to the report, the resident stated he was threatening to do bodily harm to her.
• Deputy Crawford spoke with a Bill Wallace Road, Sardis resident who stated the suspect would not leave the residence and was causing a scene. According to the report, the suspect stated there was no problem and that he knew the sheriff and continued to refuse to provide identification.
“I asked the subject multiple times for his social and he began to cause another disturbance. I took the subject into custody at that time,” stated Deputy Crawford.
• Springport Road resident reported to Deputy Crawford she noticed her check book was missing from her purse.
• Fredonia Road, Como resident reported to Captain Willie Harris he put a jeep on the internet for sale. According to the report, the resident stated he received a call from an individual who stated someone sent him a check for $2,700 and wanted the remaining balance sent to another person in Utah.
The resident stated his bank checked to see if the bank on the check had an open account and were unable to find the account, according to the report.
• Mills Road, Sardis resident reported to Captain Harris he lost his wallet in January of 2016 and that in May of 2016 he went to H&R Block to file his taxes and was told that taxes had already been filed under that social security number.
According to the report, the resident was advised to file a report, but waited so long to do so because he was waiting on the IRS to send him paperwork.
• Deputy George Renfroe responded to Black Jack Road for a report of an attempted break-in. According to the report, the resident stated she had a picture which was taken from an ADT camera which shows the suspect wearing a grey shirt getting out of the driver’s seat of a white Chevy Impala.
Lieutenant Investigator Edward Dickson was notified of the incident and pictures were taken of the back door window, which was broken out.
• Cold Springs Road, Sardis resident reported a friend of hers left a handgun in her vehicle without her knowledge and the vehicle was repossessed by the dealership. According to the report, the resident is unable to locate the car to get any belongings out of the vehicle.
The resident stated her friend has been harassing her for over a month about the firearm he left in the car and is threatening to file charges against her for stealing his firearm, according to the report.
The resident stated she is going to try to retrieve the firearm and will turn it over to the Sheriff’s Department and allow them to return it to the owner.
• Deputy Lawrence spoke to a Phelps Road, Courtland resident who stated her vehicle was at another residence and requested to be escorted to recover her vehicle.
Friday, January 13
• Deputy Still responded to a family disturbance on Forrest Drive North, Sardis. According to the report, the resident and suspect were in a relationship and when the resident asked the suspect to move out she became irate and violent and assaulted him.
At this time the resident is not filing any charges against the suspect but wants to report the incident in case it occurs again.
• Earnest Pratcher Road, Como resident reported to Deputy Still the tag on his black Honda Accord was stolen.
Motor Vehicle Accident Report
• January 3, one vehicle accident occurred on Benson Road.
• January 4, fourwheeler and car collided on Whitten Road.
• January 5, two cars collided head on Northwood Drive. Injuries were reported.
• January 9, vehicle lost control on River Road and Belmont Road.
• January 10, two car accident occurred on Sandcreek and Ballentine Road.
• January 12, car hit deer on Gregory Taylor Road.
• January 12, hit and run occurred at Rebel RV Park.
Juvenile Incident Report
Three juveniles found themselved in a pickle after getting into fights. A 16-year-old was charged with simple assault on Vassar Road.
The charge increased to aggravated assault for a 14-year-old on Highway 35 South. Another juvenile, around 14 or 15 years of age, got into some trouble for fighting at North Panola Junior High.

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