Peanut butter promoter neglects breakfast duties

Published 8:51 am Friday, September 30, 2016

Peanut butter promoter neglects breakfast duties

I am extending a special invitation to all my fellow peanut butter lovers to show up at Saturday’s pancake breakfast and eat generous helpings slathered in peanut butter.
A trip to Milwaukee to visit Eli and family conflicted with the Exchange Club’s pancake breakfast, absenting me from my main job at these events: peanut butter promoter. I also help with coffee making, but I’m sure someone else will stand in at the coffee pot.
It’s the peanut butter post I’m worried about. I’m not sure that the other Exchangites take peanut butter promoting seriously enough to stand in there.
Since I’ve been pushing peanut butter at folks who come out to eat pancakes at these fund-raising events, several people who have told me they tried it on pancakes for the first time there, liked it and ask for it again at the next breakfast. I’m making this appeal for peanut butter lovers and well as plain pancake lovers to turn out Saturday morning. It’s fun and it’s for a good cause — child abuse prevention education and other worthy local projects.
I’ve been backwards from the weather. No sooner had the fine, cool air reached us in Batesville than I left for New Orleans which was still firmly in the grip of August. The cool weather was forecast to finally arrive in New Orleans Thursday followed by a perfect weekend, but no sooner will it have arrived in New Orleans than we will have left for Milwaukee where the forecast is cool, cloudy, windy, rainy and maybe even cold.
But at least I’m a year younger.
I discovered that during a Monday visit from Jerry Lightsey who dropped by to identify Lions Club members in a photo. During his conversation with several of us in the office, he made a comment about his age, “I’m 68 years old and …” such and such. Which startled me, because I’ve known him most of my life, went through our school years together in the same grade and here he’d somehow turned up a year younger than me. How could that have happened?
Then I got to calculating from the year I was born to 2016 and realized that for some reason after my last birthday in July I’d got it in my head that I’d turn 70 on my next birthday. So I’d been thinking for several months now that I was 69.
Figuring all that in my head led me to my discovery too late to tell Jerry who had left the office by then, but if you see him before I do, tell him thanks for me. I’ve been feeling a year younger ever since.

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