Published 12:00 am Friday, July 8, 2016

Joshua Neisen, Park Ranger at Enid Lake, instructs campers at Persimmon Hill on how to properly use a reach pole. Reach poles and throw bags can be found at the rescue stations, located at every Enid Lake Swim Beach. These devices are to be used in case of an emergency at a swim beach. Always remember to reach, throw, row, don’t go. The Enid Lake Ranger Staff will be providing water safety information and beach demonstrations to all Enid Lake visitors throughout the Fourth of July weekend. Photo submitted

Enid Lake gears up for holiday weekend

By Enid Lake Park Rangers
Enid Lake Level
Information and Avoiding Hazards
The lake level at Enid Lake is currently at 253.07 above mean sea level; with the gates opened  a total of 1.5 feet.
The normal water level for this time of year (also referred to as summer pool) is 250.00 feet above mean sea level. Enid Lake is a flood control lake, thus visitors should remember that the lake level is continuously rising and falling. The Enid Lake Personnel reminds all visitors recreating at Enid Lake to pay close attention to all potential hazards while operating boats, vehicles, and all-terrain vehicles on Corps of Engineers property.
There are also numerous potential hazards hidden under the water line. Things such as embankments, stumps, trees, etc. can be well hidden, but just barely under the water’s surface. It is important to note that if you are unfamiliar with Enid Lake, it is best to go at a slow, safe speed and maintain focus on the water ahead.
Roadways are also impacted by the rise and fall of Enid Lake. Roadways leading into Otoucalofa Creek, Robinson Crossing, Hubbard Creek, Lakeside, Mudline, and Dean Hill Wildlife Management Area at “wildcat Brake” might be submerged. It is important to drive slow and pay attention to all Corps of Engineer’s road signs and barricades.
Implementation of these practices will ensure all visitors will have a great time, remain safe, and be able to return home without incident.
The Fourth of July
It is that time of year when visitors come from all over the United States to Enid Lake to light the grill, enjoy the water, and celebrate the Fourth of July with family and friends.
The Fourth of July holiday is often associated with fireworks, hot dogs, and American flags, but it holds such a significant meaning in American History. The Fourth of July is special because it is when the Declaration of Independence was signed, which later granted the 13 colonies (the United States) independence from Great Britain. In 1776, founding father and the future President, Thomas Jefferson, wrote the Declaration of Independence.
The Declaration was actually a list of issues against King George III of England. It was written to justify the colonies breaking away from Great Britain and becoming an independent nation. It was later revised by Benjamin Franklin and John Adams and officially signed by our founding fathers and accepted by Congress on July 4, 1776.
For many, the Fourth of July is about reflecting and showing appreciation for all the branches of military who serve and protect all the freedoms of every single American. No matter how you choose to celebrate the Fourth of July at Enid Lake, there are a few rules that need to be followed to ensure a safe Fourth of July weekend.
Celebrating the Fourth of July at Enid Lake
Visitor safety is the number one priority for all Enid Lake Personnel. While camping at any of the Enid Lake Campgrounds including Persimmon Hill and Wallace Creek, it is important to know all rules and regulations before beginning the fun filled weekend.
This will help both visitors and Rangers maintain a safe and happy environment. It is important to note that even though many people use fireworks during the Fourth of July weekend, fireworks are not allowed at Enid Lake under any circumstance.
This is not only for visitor safety, but to help keep the wildlife and their habitat safe as well. Golf Carts are allowed in the campgrounds, but must be driven by an individual with a state issued driver’s license and must remain on the roadway at all times.
For the safety of all visitors at Enid Lake; operating golf carts is only allowed from sunrise to sunset. Many campers will have family and friends visiting for the weekend. Enid Lake Personnel encourages recreation and welcomes all visitors to our campgrounds.
This is why extra parking spaces are provided at all Enid Lake Campgrounds.  It is important to note that all vehicles must be parked on a camping pad or in a parking spot. Visitors should not park their vehicles on the grass.
It can potentially leave tire depressions and ruts which leave the campgrounds looking bad, can kill grass, compact the soil, and create uneven campsites.
While boating it is important to remember that the lifejacket mandate is still in place at Arkabutla, Sardis, Enid, and Grenada Lakes.  All persons must wear a U.S. Coast Guard approved type I, II, or III life jacket at all times in boats less than 16 feet in length and non-powered boats.  
The same applies to all persons swimming outside of designated swimming areas. Enid Lake has five designated swimming areas including: Hickory Ridge, Persimmon Hill, Long Branch, Chickasaw Hill and Plum Point. These designated swimming areas are marked by orange cylinder floats and also have a variety of safety features including: depth poles, rescue stations, signs with safety messages, and Hickory Ridge and Persimmon Hill designated swimming areas provide loaner life jackets.  
On boats 16 feet to 26 feet in length a type I, II, or II life jacket must be worn while the boat is under power of the main propulsion unit.  While lifejackets are required under these circumstances, Enid Lake Personnel encourages all visitors to wear them while recreating on the water.
Changes in Day Use Fee and Passport Programs, Effective since January 1, 2016
Annual Passes: $40
Beach Fee: $5 per private non-commercial vehicle or $2 per person
 $20 per bus or commercial vehicle
Children under the age of 16 are admitted free
Boat Launching Fee: $5
 America the Beautiful Interagency Passes including: Interagency Annual Pass – $80. Annual Military Pass – Free, Senior Pass – $10, Access Pass – Free, Volunteer Pass – Free, and Every Kid in a Park (EKIP) Pass – Free, are now available at Enid Lake. Please contact the Enid Lake Field Office regarding the America the Beautiful Passport program.
For more information on Enid Lake water safety or recreational opportunities contact the Enid Lake Field Office at 662-563-4571 or visit us at our website at:

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